Service obligation definition

Service obligation means the contractual obligation undertaken by an individual under section 2705 or section 2707 to provide health care services for a determinable time period at a site designated by the department.
Service obligation means an obligation by the participant
Service obligation means a service obligation created or implied by section 17 or 18.

Examples of Service obligation in a sentence

  • Additionally, under a prospective agreement, each party operates under its own laws, regulations, and/or policies, and any Forest Service obligation is subject to the availability of appropriated funds and other resources.

  • The Transmission Customer must either purchase this service from BPA or make alternative comparable arrangements to satisfy its Regulation and Frequency Response Service obligation.

  • The Transmission Customer must either purchase this service from BPA or make alternative comparable arrangements specified in the Transmission Customer’s Service Agreement to satisfy its Energy Imbalance Service obligation.

  • The Transmission Customer or Control Area Service Customer must either purchase this service from BPA or make alternative but comparable arrangements to satisfy its Supplemental Reserve Service obligation.

  • The Transmission Customer or Control Area Service Customer must either purchase this service from BPA or make alternative comparable arrangements to satisfy its Spinning Reserve Service obligation.

More Definitions of Service obligation

Service obligation means a require- ment applicable to, or the exercise of authority granted to, an electric util- ity under Federal, State, or local law or under long-term contracts to pro- vide electric service to end-users or to a distribution utility.
Service obligation means volunteering for a minimum number of
Service obligation means the obligations imposed upon BT by Ofcom in accordance with the EU Universal Services Directive.
Service obligation means professional service rendered at an approved site for a minimum of two years in exchange for a scholarship or loan repayment grant.
Service obligation means the required professional services rendered under a loan repayment contract at an approved site for a minimum of two years.
Service obligation means the period in which assets purchased with federal assistance and subsidized by a federal grant to lower the interest rate, must be placed into service to carry out the purposes of the ReConnect Program.
Service obligation means a scholar’s employment obligation, as described in section 662(h) of the Act and § 304.30.