Examples of Minor arterials in a sentence
Minor arterials may include four-lane divided highways, two-lane highways and county trunk highways.
Minor arterials and collector streets should not be widened beyond one through lane in each direction with auxiliary left-turn lanes as appropriate.
Minor arterials are those highways, which in combination with principal arterials, serve cities, communities and other major traffic generators providing intra-regional and inter- area travels.
Minor arterials should be expected to provide for relatively high overall travel speeds with minimum interference to through movement.
Minor arterials shall have a design speed of forty-five (45) miles per hour.
Minor arterials are designed to collect and distribute traffic from major and minor arterials to neighborhood collectors and local streets, or directly to traffic destinations.
The tender documents must be signed digitally / physically by Partner/ Director of the Firm or by the person holding the Power of Attorney on behalf of the Firm concerned for having accepted the conditions and upload in e-procurement portal.
Minor arterials, ideally, do not penetrate identifiable neighborhoods.
Minor arterials, collectors, or local streets are usually only coded in the model if they enhance the capability of the traffic model to route trips on the network.
Minor arterials provide for movement within the large subareas of the County.