Minor child means a biological or adopted child of the
Minor source means any source which is not defined as a major source in Chapter 2.
Child or Children means a child or children unmarried
Spouse means, an individual who,
Life-cycle cost means the expected total cost of ownership during the life of a product, including disposal costs.
Unborn child means the offspring of human beings from conception until birth.
Minor Works has the meaning given to it in paragraph 2.7(a) of Schedule 4 (Persons with Disabilities and Disability Discrimination);
Nonminor dependent means any individual age eighteen to twenty-one years who is participating in extended foster care services authorized under RCW 74.13.031.
Disabled Child means Your unmarried adult Child who is, on and after the date on which insurance would end because of the Child’s age, continuously incapable of self-sustaining employment because of mental or physical handicap; and chiefly dependent upon You for support and maintenance, or institutionalized because of mental or physical handicap. You must provide proof of Your Disabled Child’s status within 31 days after the date on which insurance would otherwise end because of the Child’s age. Thereafter, We may require further proof of Your Disabled Child’s status, but not more often than annually. Costs associated with such proof will be Your responsibility.
Non-Participating Marriage and Family Therapist means a Marriage and Family Therapist who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Criminal street gang associate or member means any person
Minor means a person under 18 years of age.
Certified Domestic Violence Specialist means a person who has fulfilled the requirements of certification as a Domestic Violence Specialist established by the New Jersey Association of Domestic Violence Professionals.
Domestic or sexual violence means stalking, any sexually violent offense, as defined in N.J.S.A. 30:4-27.26, or domestic violence as defined in N.J.S.A. 2C:25-19, and N.J.S.A. 17:29B-16.
Participating Marriage and Family Therapist means a Marriage and Family Therapist who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
war widower s pension” means any pension or allowance payable to a man as a widower or to a surviving civil partner under an instrument specified in section 639(2) of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 in respect of the death or disablement of any person;
casual worker means a worker engaged by the hour and who may be dismissed or leave the employer's service at any moment without notice and except as hereinafter provided shall not be engaged for more than 30 hours per week in ordinary hours.
Surviving Spouse means the widow or widower, as the case may be, of a Deceased Participant or a Deceased Beneficiary (as applicable).
Minor political party means a political party that has qualified as a minor political party
de facto spouse means a person of the opposite sex to the employee who lives with the employee as the husband or wife of the employee on a bona fide domestic basis, although not legally married to that person.
Putative father means a man who is alleged to be or who claims to be the biological father of a child born to a woman to whom the man is not married at the time of the birth of the child.
Plan approved domestic relations order means a judgment, decree, or order (including the approval of a settlement agreement) which is:
Non-Participating Certified Nurse Practitioner means a Certified Nurse Practitioner who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) means a business concern certified as a DVBE by the Office of Small Business Certification and Resources, Department of General Services.
Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity means an immediate annuity for the life of a Participant, with a survivor annuity for the life of the spouse which is not less than 50% and not more than 100% of the amount of the annuity which is payable during the joint lives of the Participant and the spouse, and which is the amount of benefit that can be purchased with the Participant's Vested Account Balance. The percentage of the survivor annuity under the Plan shall be 50%.
Joint Annuitant means the one person that a retired member who has elected an optional