Examples of Minor source in a sentence
For construction per- mits for major sources, within 90 days.(b) Minor source construction permits.
Lastly this chapter covers ethical and legal aspects attended to in the implementation of the study.
The facility also gathers wet gas from numerous producing wells in the region thus leading to a higher rate of gas throughput than a single well pad or compressor station alone.This facility is a permitted Natural Minor source for criteria pollutants, VOC and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs).
Minor source facilities are subject to less stringent recordkeeping and emissions tracking requirements than major sources.
SIPFIP Minor source NSR (45CSR13)PSD (45CSR14) NESHAP (45CSR34)Nonattainment NSR (45CSR19)Section 111 NSPSSection 112(d) MACT standardsSection 112(g) Case-by-case MACT112(r) RMPSection 112(i) Early reduction of HAPConsumer/commercial prod.