Examples of Miscellaneous Tax Resolution in a sentence
The holders of CBFIs confirmed their agreement that the Trustee complies with its obligations as required by the IETU Law and thus determines taxable income in accordance with Clause V of Rule I.4.4.3 of the 2013 Miscellaneous Tax Resolution.
In accordance with the Mexican Miscellaneous Tax Resolution in 2014, entities at December 31, 2013 that have tax loss carryforwards to be amortized at the subsidiary level cannot include such losses in the determination of the taxable income of the consolidated entity until such losses have been amortized at the individual subsidiary level, corresponding to tax years prior to 2014.
The updated quote applicable for 2014, published in the Annex 19 to the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution for 2014, is for $306 MxP per passenger.
On November 18, 2021, the “Third Resolution of Amendments to the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution for 2021 and its attachments 1 and 1-A”, by which several rules are amended, added or eliminated, was published in the DOF.
Rule 10.3 of the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution 2015 (RMF 2015, for its initials in Spanish, Resolución Miscelánea Fiscal) provides that Assignees shall submit to SAT information included in the cost and expenses record of exploration and extraction of each Hydrocar- bons’ extraction field, as well as the type of Hydrocarbons obtained, no later than on February 15 of each year.
This duty has been always calculated and paid by the outbound passengers and the updated quote for 2014, published in the Annex 19 to the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution for 2014, is for $61 MxP per passenger.Monthly Digital Publication SIERRA VÁZQUEZ OLIVARES MOLINA Article 291 of the FLD.
The updated quotes applicable for 2014, published in the Annex 19 to the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution for 2014, in respect to the method of payment stated in section I of article 289 of the LFD are as follows: Aircraft classification By means of this method, carriers must calculate the ortodromic distances for each flight as follows: For domestic flights the calculation must be made by the orthodromic distance covered from departure airport to the destination airport.
Relative to debt placement among the wide investor public abroad, in order to be eligible for a preferential withholding rate of 4.9% on the interest deriving from said instruments, the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution (administrative rules granting benefits to taxpayers) requires several notices be submitted with a detail of the characteristics of their placement.
In accordance with the existing regulations and the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution of the SAT published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on December 27, 2021, and attending the specific rule of courier and parcel services, a CFDI of Income may be issued without a Carta Porte Complement.
On 22 April 2020, the Internal Revenue Service issued the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution (Resolución Miscelanea Fiscal) whereby individuals were granted the right to perform the annual tax return declaration until June 2020.