MM Btu definition
Examples of MM Btu in a sentence
One (1) Ore Dryer, nominally rated at 125 tons per hour and 25 million (MM) Btu per hour.
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, for the sole purpose of establishing unit marginal costs that are used where applicable to set floors for energy, customer, or demand charges for certain customer classes, the Settling Parties agree that it is reasonable to use the following marginal costs: Relative Loss of Load Probability 70.1% 20.5% 0.9% 8.1% 0.4% Notes: Energy cost is an average over 36 months, with a corresponding natural gas price of $8.82 per MM Btu.
Generation marginal costs by season and time-of- use periods are as follows: Generation Marginal Cost (2006$) Summer Winter On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Relative Loss of Load Probability 70.1% 20.5% 0.9% 8.1% 0.4% Notes: Energy cost is an average over 36 months, with a corresponding natural gas price of $8.82 per MM Btu.
However, in the Update, DCP stated that the liquefaction capacity of the Liquefaction Project is 5.75 mtpa, which (as 35 DCP Update at 4.36 DOE/FE used conversion factors of 1.022 MM Btu per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) of dry natural gas and 51.75 Bcf per million metric tons of dry natural gas.
The primary burner is rated at 0.3 MM Btu per hour, while the secondary burner is rated at 0.8 MM Btu per hour.
The turbine is fired exclusively with pipeline quality natural gas and has a design heat input rating of 1,626 MM Btu per hour.
Emission limit for heat input Fuel type (lb/ng/J MM Btu) Gaseous fuels:Coal-derived fuels............................
Applicable Compliance Method: Compliance with the hourly allowable VOC emission limitation above shall be demonstrated by multiplying the VOC content of the worst-case coating, as applied, in pounds of VOC per gallon coating by the maximum hourly coating usage (1 gallon per hour) plus multiplying 0.0054 pound of VOC per MM Btu of heat input* by the maximum hourly heat input for the drying oven (1.5 MM Btu/hour).
Table 4.2: Simulation ParametersSimulation ParametersValueBD costPERT distribution $(500,1000,1500) Million (MM)Abandonment costPERT distribution $(3.5,5,6) BillionDiscount rate0.06Fixed cost$20 MMVariable cost of oil$30/oil stbVariable cost of gas$0.01/gas MM Btu Decision Making AlgorithmFor every year the optimum decision is recorded in the model and dynamically simulated backwards.
No owner or operator of any coal-fired steam generating unit in Pickaway county shall cause or permit the emission of sulfur dioxide from any source to exceed a maximum of 3.6 pounds of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input.