Examples of Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves in a sentence
In addition the Office of the Interconnection shall schedule Operating Reserves pursuant to those sections to satisfy any unforeseen Operating Reserve requirements that are not reflected in the Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement.
Generation resources with a start time greater than thirty minutes are required to be synchronized and operating at the direction of the Office of the Interconnection during the resource’s Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves schedule and shall have a dispatchable range equal to or greater than the Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves schedule.
To the extent that Section 3.2.3A.01 of Schedule 1 of this Agreement does not meet the Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement, the Office of the Interconnection shall schedule additional Operating Reserves pursuant to Section 1.7.17 and 1.10 of Schedule 1 of this Agreement.
Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Resources that clear in the Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Market shall receive a Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves schedule from the Office of the Interconnection for the relevant Operating Day.
The total megawatt volume of Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves resources equals the ratio of the Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement to the Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement multiplied by the total volume of Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves megawatts paid pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section.
The hourly obligation is equal to the Market Participant’s load ratio share of the total megawatt volume of Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves resources (described below), based on the Market Participant’s total hourly load (net of operating Behind The Meter Generation, but not to be less than zero) to the total hourly load of all Market Participants in the PJM Region.
The hourly obligation for each Market Participant is a megawatt representation of the portion of the Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves credits that the Market Participant is responsible for paying to PJM.
PJMSettlement shall be the Counterparty to the purchases and sales of Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves in the PJM Interchange Energy Market; provided that PJMSettlement shall not be a contracting party to bilateral transactions between Market Participants or with respect to a self-schedule or self- supply of generation resources by a Market Buyer to satisfy its Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement.
Importantly, mitigation can also be achieved by the developers making provision for necessary physical, social and green infrastructure; improvements to the accessibility and environmental quality of nearby Green Belt land; and applying the mitigation hierarchy and achieving biodiversity net gain of no less than 10% in accordance with policy JP-G9.
Such bilateral contracts shall be for the physical transfer of Regulation, Synchronized Reserve, or Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves to or from a Market Participant and shall be reported to and coordinated with the Office of the Interconnection in accordance with this Schedule and pursuant to the LLC’s rules relating to its eMarket tools.