Examples of Mobility Aid in a sentence
If an Insured Person suffers Injury due to an Accident, We will reimburse up to the limit stated in the Schedule for the purchase or rental of Mobility Aid prescribed by the attending Doctor.
Personal PropertyAny suitcase, trunk or container of a similar kind and its contents, and any article worn or carried by a Person Insured which is not a Mobility Aid not excluded under B.
Maximum payable per Person Insured - Personal Property €1,500; Mobility Aids €500, Essential purchases €200, Mobility Aid hire€500, Essential medication courier costs €300).
For purposes of this Section 4, all references to the “Company” shall be deemed to refer to the Company and the Current Subsidiaries unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
See 49 CFR Part 571.403, S6.4.2, S6.4.3, Platform Requirements) (See also “Wheelchair or Mobility Aid Envelope” figure at the end of this section).