Model rocket definition

Model rocket means that term as defined in National Fire Protection Association Standard 1122, “Code for Model Rocketry”;
Model rocket means any toy or educational device which weighs not more than 500 grams, including the engine and any payload, that is propelled by model rocket engines.
Model rocket means an aero-model that ascends into the air without use of aerodynamic lifting forces against gravity and is propelled by means of a model rocket engine.

Examples of Model rocket in a sentence

  • Model rocket engines are solid propellant engines made by commercial manufacturers intended for use in model rockets of the construction indicated.

  • Model rocket vehicles powered by “H”, “I” or “J” impulse rocket motors should use 1/8” plywood or fiberglass G10 material at a minimum.

  • ATF is familiar with the commenters’ proposed language that seeks to establish additional exemptions: Model rocket motors consisting of ammonium perchlorate composite propellant, black powder, or non-detonable rocket propellant and designed as single-use motors or as reload kits, as well as commercially manufactured black powder in quantities not to exceed two pounds, safety and pyrotechnic fuses, quick and slow matches, electric matches and igniters when used in model rocket motors.

  • Model rocket motor, high power rocket motor, hobby rocket motor, composite rocket motor, rocket motor kit, rocket motor reloading kit, containing varying amounts of solid propellant with the trade names White Lightning™, Blue Thunder™, Black Jack™, Black Max™, Redline™, Warp-9™, Mojave Green™, Metalstorm™, Metalstorm DM™ or Propellant X™.

  • Model rocket motors which are granted NAR certification will also be listed by S&T in official NAR motor certification lists as “approved for use in NAR competition”, if the motor is available to dealers and/or consumers from the manufacturer and is therefore available for purchase by any consumer in the U.S.

  • For more information call Greg Smith, (217) 352-9655.March 23 - High power rocket launch at Ran- toul Aviation Center, 10 AM.April 27 - High power rocket launch at Rantoul Aviation Center, 10 AM.May 25 - High power rocket launch at Rantoul Aviation Center, 10 AM.June 8 - Model rocket launch at Dodds Park, 1 PM.

  • Model rocket motors shall not produce more than 160 Newton-seconds of total impulse power.

  • Model rocket motors with thrusts from a few Newtons up to several kilo-Newtons are readily available.

  • Product Identification Model rocket motor, high power rocket motor, hobby rocket motor, composite rocket motor, rocket motor kit, rocket motor reloading kit, containing varying amounts of solid propellant with the trade names White Lightning™, Blue Thunder™, Black Jack™, Black Max™, Redline™, Warp-9™ or Mojave Green™.

  • The investment income attributable to life insurance policy holders is recorded as payable by the insurance company and receivable by households in the allocation of primary income account.

More Definitions of Model rocket

Model rocket means a rocket that is propelled by one or more model rocket motors and that has a total installed impulse of 160 N-s or less. (Note: changing the definition from 80 to 160 N-s affects the definition "model rocket"/"modèle réduit de fusée" in the Canadian Aviation Regulations, which states "means a rocket (a) equipped with model rocket engines that will not generate a total impulse exceeding 80 N-s (b) of a gross weight, including engines, not exceeding 500 g; and (c) equipped with a parachute or other device capable of retarding its descent." The Can. Aviation Regs have to be amended to follow new definition of model rocket -- less than 160 N-s, etc. [Client has agreed to speak to Transport Canada in this regard.)
Model rocket. ­ means a rocket
Model rocket means a commercially made rocket that is propelled by a rocket motor; that contains a device for returning it to the ground in a condition to fly again; whose structural parts are made of paper, wood, or breakable plastic and contain no substantial metal parts; and whose primary use is for purposes of education, recreation, and sporting competition.
Model rocket means a toy or educational device that weighs not more than 1500 grams, including the engine and any payload, that is propelled by a model rocket motor, and that conforms to the definition of “model rocket” in the 2013 edition of the “NFPA 1122: Code for Model Rocketry,” or a more recent edition as adopted by the State Fire Marshal.
Model rocket means that term as defined in National Fire Protection Association

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