Examples of Molest in a sentence
Pet owners shall not allow an animal to:• Habitually bay, bark, screech, yell, or make a sound of any kind or nature for prolonged periods in such manner as to unreasonably disturb the peace and quiet of the vicinity.• Damage or defile public or private property.• Molest any person on public or private property when such person has a legitimate reason to be on the property.• Molest or kill wildlife, birds, or animals on public or private property.
All game given as a gift remains counted toward the daily bag limit of the original harvester;• Molest any squirrel nest or den, raccoon den or tree, mink den or muskrat house;• Unreasonably destroy, molest or waste game.
Follow this and additional works at: https://www.repository.law.indiana.edu/ilj Part of the Contracts Commons, and the Family Law Commons Recommended Citation (1938) "Equity-Personal Rights-Contract Not to Molest or Annoy Enforced by Injunction," Indiana Law Journal: Vol.
Molest Allegations/Concerns during regular medical exams by community/emergency room physicians: After consideration of history, behavioral changes and examination findings, that physician must make a child abuse report if there is reasonable suspicion that sexual abuse has occurred.
Crimes in which a child (under 18 years) is the victim or responsible who may be subject to Youth Authority Involvement include: 288A PC Felony Child Molest 273D PC Child Abuse300 W&I Protective Custody of Juveniles 601 W&I Incorrigible/Runaway Juvenile 777 W&I Juvenile in Violation of Probation Complaint TakingIf the call is of critical nature or in progress, keep the caller on the line until units arrive.