Examples of Motion to table in a sentence
Motion to table the question until the January meeting passed on a voice vote.
Indemnity Agreement for HOP: Motion to table made by Mr. Saunders.
Motion to table the public hearing for Ordinance 2021-036 to October 14th, 2021 meeting: Strange / Schwartz Roll call vote: Columbus, absent ; Ferry, yes ; Moore, absent ; Schwartz, yes ; Strange, yes ; Hughes, absent ; Motion passes: 3 yes, 3 absentCouncilman Strange asked if the change of use has any impact on Ordinance 2021-036 for timing and spoke about the interplay of the advertising.
Motion to table Planning 19-006 for proposed amendments to of Planning Case 19- 019 for proposed amendments to Chapter 12 of the City Code, as presented in the January 8, 2020 Report to the Planning Commission: a specific reason and/or information request should be included with a motion to table.
Motion to table the report until the results are given was supported and carried.
Motion to table to a meeting subsequent to the January 17th BCC Planning Hearing workshop or by BCC Zoning Hearing decision by Martin Klein, seconded by Terrence Bailey.
Ordinance 2020-038: Agreement with South Branch EMS to provide services for High Bridge Motion to table the public hearing for Ordinance 2020-038: Zappa / HughesRoll call vote: Columbus, yes ; Ferry, yes ; Hughes, yes ; Moore, yes ; Strange, yes ; Zappa, yes ;; Motion passes: 6 yes E.
If a Motion to table is passed, the Motion under debate is no longer debatable and a Motion to “lift from the table” is required to resume consideration of the matter.
Motion to table Agenda Item H.3 to the next meeting (9-14-2023) to allow applicant the opportunity to decide what uses could be prohibited on proposed Conditional Overlay and to allow the addition of a Conditional Overlay to the zoning.
The Certificate of Substantial Completion shall also include the Punch List as created by the Construction Manager and modified by the Project Designers in consultation with Page and establish the time for completion and correction of all Punch List items.