Working face definition
Working face means that portion of a sanitary landfill facility where solid wastes are unloaded for final deposition.
Working face means the open area where solid waste is deposited daily and compacted with landfill equipment.
Working face means any place in a mine in which work of extracting coal from its natural deposit in the earth is performed during the mining cycle.
Examples of Working face in a sentence
At the belt leading to the weigh hopper.2. Working face of the stock piles at the concrete plant if approved by the engineer.The department will take independent QV samples using the same sampling method the contractor uses for QC sampling.
At the belt leading to the weigh hopper.2. Working face of the stock piles at the concrete plant if approved by the engineer.
Working face of excavation shall not precede advancing end of casing by more than 2 V, feet unless otherwise pennilted by the Engineer.
Working face dimensions are kept wide enough to safely accommodate the vehicles bringing waste into the landfill.
Working face equipment operation and airspace utilization was efficiently utilized during our site visit.
More Definitions of Working face
Working face means any place in a mine in which work of extracting minerals from their natural
Working face means that portion of a solid waste land disposal facility where the solid waste is deposited.
Working face means any part of a landfill where waste is being disposed of.
Working face means that portion of the land disposal site where solid wastes are discharged, spread, and compacted prior to the placement of cover material.
Working face means that portion of a solid waste disposal unit where waste is deposited, spread, and compacted before placement of initial cover.
Working face means any place in a mine in which work of extracting coal from its natural deposit
Working face means that portion of a land disposal site where solid waste is discharged by collection and/or haulage vehicles and is spread and compacted prior to placement of cover material.