Municipal Drinking Water License definition
Examples of Municipal Drinking Water License in a sentence
The West Elgin DS was operated and maintained in such a manner that treated water supplied to the consumers serviced by the system satisfied all the requirements in the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Regulations, the Municipal Drinking Water License and the Drinking Water Works Permit.
To obtain and maintain a Municipal Drinking Water License (MDWL), the Region must hold: a valid Drinking Water Works Permit (DWWP), a valid Permit to Take Water (PTTW) for each water source, operational plans as approved by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), operating authority accreditation (based on a third party audit of the DWQMS 21 Elements), and financial plans approved by Regional Council.
All watermain and appurtenances are to be installed, bedded and backfilled in accordance with current Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications, Safe Drinking Water Act, Drinking Water Works Permit, The Municipal Drinking Water License, and the most current recent version of ANSI/AWWA C651, the Ministry “Watermain Disinfection Procedure”, and to the satisfaction of the Municipality.
Under the new Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Municipal Drinking Water License process the Peterborough Utilities Commissionwas issued its Drinking Water Works Permit (DWWP) on June 21, 2011, part of the replacement for the Certificate of Approval (CofA) that the Ministry previously issued.
According to the City of Brantford Water System’s Municipal Drinking Water License Schedule C, the maximum daily volume of treated water that flows from the Holmedale Water Treatment Plant into the distribution system must not exceed 100 ML/d.
Municipal Drinking Water License The Township received full accreditation in 2013 and SAI Global conducted an on-site re- accreditation audit in 2019.
Each Municipal Drinking Water License and each Financial Plan must be renewed every 5 years.
The Drinking Water System is a Large Municipal Residential System consisting of a Class IV Water Treatment Plant (Holmedale Water Treatment Plant) and a Class III Distribution System (Drinking Water System Number: 220003564, Municipal Drinking Water License (MDWL) 063-101 Issue #: 6, Issued February 22, 2017, Drinking Water Works Permit (DWWP) #063-201 Issue #: 4, Issued: February 22, 2017).
The Hensall Distribution System was operated and maintained in such a manner that the water supplied to the consumers serviced by the system satisfied all the requirements in the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Regulations, the Drinking Water Works Permit Number: 045-201, Issue Number: 03 and the Municipal Drinking Water License Number: 045-101, Issue Number 4.
The Central Elgin Distribution System operates under the Safe Drinking Water Act (S.D.W.A.), Ontario Regulation 128/04 and Ontario Drinking Water Regulation 170/03, Drinking Water Works Permit 046-201 and Municipal Drinking Water License 046-101.