Named Business definition
Examples of Named Business in a sentence
The Named Business Account shall be solely responsible for compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, resolutions and ordinances, including but not limited to any provisions relating to the Named Business Account's provision of compensation, benefits or services to employees or others (e.g. including but not limited to transportation fringe benefits) and any reporting, tax withholding or other obligations related thereto.
Winstead stated that students will have new Dell laptops for their senior year.
Upon receipt of a notice of termination for convenience from the Named Business Account, the Lead Agency may, at its sole discretion, waive the advance notice period and immediately terminate the website access privileges of the Named Business Account, block the Business Cards issued to the Named Business Account and decline to accept and fulfill any pending or new orders form the Named Business Account.
The Named Business Account, not the Lead Agency, is responsible for the refunding of such e-purse value, if any, to the individual Cardholder to whom the Business Card had been distributed.
The Named Business Account shall make payment in full prior to the Lead Agency fulfilling an order for ORCA Business Cards and/or Business Choice products, unless other payment terms are agreed upon by the Lead Agency.
In his encounter with rituals of aggressively patriarchal masculinity performed by his grandfather, the protagonist experiences repression and violence.
The Named Business Account is responsible for reviewing the provisions of the Agreement and prices in effect before submitting each order or making other use of ORCA Services and shall be deemed to have agreed to the then-applicable terms and prices by submitting the order or making other use of ORCA Services.
With Mobile Demineralizer processing of condensate regeneration waste, the release concentrations are shown in Table 11.2-5b and are less than the limits specified in 10 CFR 20.1302(b).
The Primary Contact Person of the Named Business Account may submit a written request to the Lead Agency for the card number linked to a specific transaction.
Upon submitting the payment evidence, the public bidding documents can be collected at the following address: Privatization Agency, Auction Center, 23 Terazije Street (V floor), 11000 Belgrade, 8:30-16:30 from 12.02.2008 to 12.03.2008.