Examples of National cemetery in a sentence
National cemetery ac tivities consist of national and Confeder ate cemeteries, soldiers’ lots and Confed erate plots located in private cemeteries, monuments, and a memorial park.§ 553.3 Scope.Except as specifically provided other- J” *®.in this part or by directive of the of Support Services, this part andiM 10-287 will govern the development,operation, maintenance, and administra tion of all activities within the National cemetery System.
National cemetery directors are responsible for ensuring that contractors and personnel whose activities may affect cultural resources, such as architects, engineers, maintenance personnel, and groundskeepers, are aware of cultural resource legal requirements and are prepared to implement them.
There is an advantage for a veteran, but we are losing business to the new National cemetery.
National cemetery supplies and serv ices will be procured iii accordance with the provisions of the Armed Serv ices Procurement Regulations (Subchap ter A, Chapter I o f this title), the Army Procurement Procedure (Subchapter G of this chapter), and such special proce dures as may be issued by the Chief of Support Services.
Our local cemetery is the National cemetery of the Alleghenies located near Bridgeville, PA.Each December on “National Wreaths Across America Day”, our mission to Remember, Honor and Teach is carried out by coordinating wreath- laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as over 1,200 additional locations in all 50U.S. states, at sea, and abroad.
He has been active in a number of State, Regional and National cemetery associations including the Catholic Cemeteries and Funeral Services of the West (serving as President for three terms) and the Catholic Cemetery Conference, where he is currently the BoardPresident.
Record details of the surface preparation for the Works in accordance with AS 3894.10, AS 3894.14 or equivalent.
One itinerary, "Civil War Era National Cemeteries: Honoring Those Who Served," includes all historic national cemeteries associated with that conflict, and a second itinerary highlights the "Veterans Affairs National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers." Definitions National cemetery properties have different physical characteristics based on their origin.
Findings▪ American Indian burial ceremonies are complex.▪ National cemetery operations may conflict with American Indian burial ceremonies.
National cemetery records consist of original design plans, historic reports, letter books, original interment reports, records of interment, original structures, utility plans, etc.