National organization definition

National organization means an organization, national in structure, that organizes, conducts and administers an amateur sports program.
National organization means a professional association or registry, approved by the
National organization means a professional association, approved by the board that

Examples of National organization in a sentence

  • National organization certification standards articulate the competencies that candidates should have gained from formation in these four areas.

  • It shall be their duty to develop and approve an annual budget projecting income and expenditures for the coming fiscal year, including financial assistance from the National organization (if any).

  • The CMYFCC shall maintain the right to choose which National organization of youth football and cheer, to align itself with, and at no time shall it align with such an organization that does not allow CMYFCC a voice and vote in all matters that affectthe conference and the participants.

  • She shall attend all council roundtables pertaining to new member education and be the primary communicator with the National organization, the Greek Life office, and PHA about new member education to keep communication and organization consistent throughout the calendar year.

  • The provisions of the Bylaws, Affiliation Agreement and rules of this Professional AISES Chapter are subject to the approval of the AISES National organization.

  • The National organization of the BVA has several awards which it presents, either annually, or on an as-required basis, to deserving individuals and/or organizations which have been instrumental in assisting the Association.

  • An employee within the scope of this Agreement holding office in any Provincial or National organization or association with which the Union is affiliated, or duly appointed as a delegate to any meeting or convention of such organization, shall not be penalized under the provisions of any section of this agreement for attending any such meeting or convention, but shall not be entitled to his regular wages or salary during the absence.

  • In their role, Regional Councilors serve as the elected representative of the chapters in their region and thus, are a critical link to the National organization.

  • Further, this certification will specify that the active membership of the local chapter/colony has authority independent to any National organization to determine membership in the local chapter.

  • The CMYFCC shall maintain the right to choose which National organization of youth football and cheer, to align itself with, and at no time shall it align with such an organization that does not allow CMYFCC a voice and vote in all matters that affect the conference and the participants.

More Definitions of National organization

National organization means a professional association, approved by the Board, that examines, registers, certifies or approves individuals in education programs relating to operators of sources of radiation.
National organization means an entity that meets the standards of the American red cross, the national safety council, or the American heart association and provides a training program generally available nationwide to persons fifteen years of age and older in the areas of lifeguarding, first aid, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
National organization means a school organization that is a separate legal entity than
National organization means a professional association or registry, approved by the department, that examines, registers, certifies, or approves indivi- duals and educational programs relating to operators of sources of radiation.
National organization means an Affiliated Entity which is licensed and authorized by ICON as provided in these General Rules to operate ICON Alliance programs within the boundaries of a particular nation. The National Organization may be operated as either an independent legal entity or within an independent legal entity, approved as its sole Accredited Entity for that nation and which can register Member Organizations and Chapters (Sub-Entities).
National organization means an organization chartered by act of the U.S. Congress or previously recog­ nized by the Veterans Administration.

Related to National organization

  • international organization shall have the meanings set forth in Section 7701 of the Code or successor provisions.

  • ADR Organization means The American Arbitration Association or, if The American Arbitration Association no longer exists or if its ADR Rules would no longer permit mediation or arbitration, as applicable, of the dispute, another nationally recognized mediation or arbitration organization selected by the Sponsor.

  • Labor organization means any organization of any kind, or any agency or employee representation committee or plan, in which employees participate and that exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or conditions of work.