National Post definition
Examples of National Post in a sentence
The Canadian Publishing and Interactive segment includes the publication of a number of newspapers, including metropolitan daily newspapers and the National Post, as well as operation of the web portal and other web-based operations.
This facility is secured by substantially all of the Company's directly held assets including the assets of its Canadian broadcast operations, the National Post, partnership units of CanWest MediaWorks Limited Partnership, and shares of CanWest MediaWorks (NZ) Limited and TEN Group Pty Limited, excluding the convertible debenture held in TEN Group Pty Limited.
Unless otherwise provided, any notice required or permitted under this Warrant shall be given in writing and shall be deemed effectively given upon personal delivery to the party to be notified or seven (7) days after deposit with a National Post Office, for dispatch by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid and addressed to the Holder at the address set forth in the Company's books and to the Company at the address of its principal offices set forth above.
As required by HIPAA, I would have a formal business associate contract with such businesses in which they promise to maintain the confidentiality of this data except as specifically allowed in the contract or otherwise required by law.
National Post, May 10, 2000 (feature full-page article on writer Tim Parks) Book Review of Michael Collins, The Keepers of Truth (Phoenix, 2000), The Weekend [National]Post, April 1-2, 2000.
All employers shall make the following contributions to the "National Post Retirement Health Benefit Plan".
Affected Creditors having claims against National Post, National Post Holdings, Western Communications, Multisound Publishers, 4501071 Canada, CGS Shareholding, CGS NZ Radio, CGS International, CGS Debenture, Canwest MediaWorks US, Canwest MediaWorks Turkish Holdings, Canwest Irish Holdco, Canwest International, Canwest International Distribution, Canwest Communications, Canwest Finance, or 30109 shall not vote on the Plan in respect of such claims.
For greater certainty, Persons having Claims against National Post, National Post Holdings, 4501071 Canada, Western Communications, Multisound Publishers, CGS Shareholding, CGS NZ Radio, CGS International, CGS Debenture, Canwest MediaWorks US, Canwest MediaWorks Turkish Holdings, Canwest Irish Holdco, Canwest International, Canwest International Distribution, Canwest Communications, Canwest Finance or 30109 shall not receive any distribution from the Convenience Class Pool in respect of such Claims.
The Canadian Publishing and Online segment includes the publication of a number of newspapers, including metropolitan daily newspapers, and the National Post as well as operation of the web portal and other web based operations.
The Company's 74.2% ownership of the publishing and interactive operations, excluding the National Post, is held through CanWest MediaWorks Limited Partnership.