National Reserve System definition
Examples of National Reserve System in a sentence
As the Department website explains: The National Reserve System is Australia’s network of protected areas, conserving examples of our natural landscapes and native plants and animals for future generations.
It is made up of Commonwealth, state and territory reserves, Indigenous lands and protected areas run by non-profit conservation organisations, through to ecosystems protected by farmers on their private working properties.49 However, the EPBC Act does not currently recognise the National Reserve System as a matter of national environmental significance.
It is this form of land tenure that is seeing more and more of the Indigenous estate incorporated in the Australian National Reserve System.
A protected area system on public land of a quality, scale and tenure, compatible with the National Reserve System that protects areas of National and International significance consistent with the terms of the Tasmanian Forests Agreement 2012.
Yes NoIf your answer is 'yes', please indicate whether any measures have been taken to: ;Support the efforts of indigenous and local communitiesPromote in situ conservation in protected areas.If such measures have been taken, please provide details of the measures taken Australia’s extensive network of national parks and state reserves (under the National Reserve System) provide natural habitat for the preservation of native flora.
Item Name: NRS_PAField Type: Text (AA) (UPPERCASE) (maximum 2 characters)Definition: Indicates the status of the protected area in terms of meeting the standard for inclusion in the National Reserve System (NRS).
These have been included to an increasing degree in the accounting for the National Reserve System.
However, the wide variation in marine ecosystems in Australian waters makes effective consideration of comprehensiveness on a national scale difficult.Marine ecosystems and marine communities, together with their environmental descriptors, are commonly used as surrogates for biodiversity and as a basis for planning a comprehensive reserve system, for example, the National Reserve System.
Australia, as the signatory to the international Convention on Biological Diversity, seeks to protect at least 17% of each of its bio- regions in the National Reserve System, through implementation of priority actions identified in the Australia’s National Reserve System Strategy 2009-2030 (Australian Government 2010) which was prepared in collaboration with all States.
See The National Reserve System is Australia’s network of protected areas.