Protected Areas Sample Clauses
Protected Areas. 4.3.1 Upon the resale of a Protected Area Repurchased property, FSG recovery as per the staircasing rules will apply (see below). However, the first sale of shares in a repurchased property will not be deemed an exempt disposal and FSG will become recoverable immediately the share is sold and a sales receipt realised.
4.3.2 The resale of a FSG funded Protected Area repurchased property must be at market value. Following the resale of the initial share, recoverable FSG should be calculated according to the percentage of the share sold compared to the total grant/grant permitted to be applied under this Agreement used to fund the repurchase. From the gross sales receipt landlords can deduct staircasing allowance and any Deemed Loan Debt apportioned as appropriate as eligible deductions. For these purposes, FSG funded property includes one in which the Grant Recipient was permitted to reapply grant which would otherwise have been repayable under this Agreement.
4.3.3 Upon staircasing the remaining FSG is recoverable on the same basis and allowing for the same eligible deductions as in 4.1.2 above.
Protected Areas. 4.3.1 Upon the resale of a Protected Area repurchased property, Firm Scheme Grant recovery as per the Staircasing rules will apply (see below). However, the first sale of shares in a repurchased property will not be deemed an exempt disposal and Firm Scheme Grant will become recoverable immediately the share is sold and a sales receipt realised.
4.3.2 The resale of a Firm Scheme Grant funded Protected Area Repurchased property must be at market value. Following the resale of the initial share, recoverable Firm Scheme Grant should be calculated according to the percentage of the share sold compared to the total grant/grant permitted to be applied under this Agreement used to fund the repurchase. From the gross sales receipt the Grant Recipient can deduct Staircasing allowance and any Deemed Loan Debt apportioned as appropriate as eligible deductions. For these purposes, Firm Scheme Grant funded property includes one in which the Grant Recipient was permitted to reapply grant which would otherwise have been repayable under this Agreement.
4.3.3 Upon Staircasing the remaining Firm Scheme Grant is recoverable on the same basis and allowing for the same eligible deductions as in 4.1.2 above.
Protected Areas a. It is agreed that in case that during the period of lease if the lxxxxx should negotiate with any third party regarding the lease of the gross area of 231sqm adjacent to the leased premises whose boundaries are marked in blue on the plans attached to the contract as an Appendix C (hereinafter: “The Additional Area”), in full or in part, that the Lxxxxx will not to enter into a contractual agreement with any said third party unless the Lessee has been given notification of the existence of negations, in any stage whatsoever during the negations (hereinafter: the Lxxxxx’x Notification”).
b. The Lessee has the right within 10 only, from the date of the Lxxxxx’x notification, to inform the Lxxxxx of his wish to lease the additional area (in its entirety) and this done by unreserved or unconditional written notification or has not delivered any message in this aforementioned time, will be considered as the Lxxxxx’x notification concerning his non desire to lease the additional area.
c. If the Lessee chooses to lxxxxx the additional area and delivers a notification for such as required above, the Lessee will lease the additional area in accordance with the conditions of the contract and its appendixes when:
(1) The period of lease will begin from the date of populating of the additional area or within 4 calendar months from the date of issue of the Lessee’s notification, according to the earlier of the two.
(2) The Lease fees, the management fees and the negotiations fees for the first three months for the additional area will be paid with the issue of Lessee’s notification.
(3) The indemnity according to section 4.2 of Appendix A of the contract, for the additional area, will be calculated according to 40% of the construction budget for the additional area in case of the termination of the lease at the end of the third year of the period of lease for the additional area or according to 20% of the construction budget for the additional area in case of termination of the lease after the fourth year of release period for the additional area, calculated according to the fundamental dollar rate and linked to the fundamental index, with the addition of VAT.
(4) The number of parking places that the lessee will be entitled to for the additional area is 6 (no payment for parking, except for municipal taxes only).
(5) It is made clear that the additional area does not include a PA.
Protected Areas a. The Lessee will be entitled to use the 2 protected areas located within the boundaries of the leased premises (hereinafter: “the PA’s”).
b. The Lessee confirms that he is aware that according to instructions of the law the PA is intended to serve the public in cases of emergency, and that the PA has a separate direct entrance from the public areas.
c. The Lessee undertakes to meet all these instruction and demands of law, including Civil Defense and Home Front Codes, concerning the PA, including the permitted internal construction of the PA, PA vacation dates during times of emergency and such like.
d. In any case the Lessee will not utilize the PA for the principal purpose as defined in section 9.(b) of the Planning and Building Codes (calculation of area and construction percentages for plans and permits), 5752 – 1992, and that the Lessee will not have any claims and/or suits and/or demands due that mentioned, and any thing connected with this, including a one time demand from the authorized authorities for vacation of the PA.
e. The Lessee undertakes to maintain the PA in good working order at all times to be uses as a PA according to instruction of the law and authorized authority, as is from time to time and to allow the general public use of the PA in times of need. The keys for the public entry to the PA will be held by the Management Company and/or the Lxxxxx.
Protected Areas. (1) The Contracting Parties shall as appropriate establish, in areas under their jurisdiction, terrestrial, freshwater, coastal or marine protected areas for the purpose of safeguarding
(a) the ecological and biological processes essential to the functioning of the ecosystems of the Region;
(b) representative samples of all types of ecosystems of the Region;
(c) satisfactory population levels for the largest possible number of species of fauna and flora belonging to those ecosystems; .
(d) areas of particular importance because of their scientific, educational, aesthetic, or cultural interests; and taking into account their importance in particular as:
(a) the natural habitat of species of fauna and flora; particularly rare or endangered or endemic species;
(b) zones necessary for the maintenance of exploitable stocks of economically important species; (c) pools of genetic material and said refuge for species, especially endangered ones;
(c) sites of ecological, aesthetic or cultural interest;
(e) reference sources for scientific research;
(f) areas for environmental education. They shall, in particular, take all measures possible in their power .to preserve those areas which are of an exceptional character and are peculiar to their country or the Region as well as those which constitute the critical habitats of endangered or rare species, of species that are endemic to a small area and of species that migrate between countries of Contracting Parties.
(2) Protected areas established pursuant to this Agreement shall be regulated and managed in such a way as to further the objectives for the purpose of which they have been created. Contracting Parties shall, wherever possible, prohibit within such protected areas activities which are inconsistent with such objectives.
(3) Protected areas shall include
(a) National Parks
(i) This expression denotes natural areas that are sufficiently large to allow for ecological self- regulation of one or several ecosystems, and which have not been substantially altered by human occupation or exploitation.
(ii) National Parks shall be placed under public control, their boundaries shall not be altered nor shall any portion of any National Park be alienated except by the highest competent authority.
(iii) National Parks shall be dedicated to conservation and to scientific, educational and recreational uses and the common welfare of the people.
Protected Areas. The formal designation of protected areas offers a basis for rigorous control of the conservation and sustainable use of protected species and ecosystems. Most countries have specific legislation regarding the designation and management of protected areas. Often, multiple sources of legislation provide for the establishment of different types of protected areas in different circumstances. There are several sources of guidance on developing and implementing effective protected areas legislation. In particular, drafters can refer to: • AEWA Conservation Guidelines on preparing site inventories for migratory waterbirds; management of key sites for migratory waterbirds; and the development of ecotourism at wetlands (both available at xxxx:// publications). • Xxxxxxx, X., Guidelines for Protected Areas Legislation, IUCN Environmental Policy and Law Paper No. 81 (available at xxxxx:// 081.pdf). • Shine, C. & xx Xxxxx, C., Wetlands, Water and the Law: Using law to advance wetland conservation and wise use, IUCN Environmental Policy and Law Paper No. 38 (available at xxxxx:// • Ramsar Wise Use Handbook Series (xxxx:// AEWA Parties must make sure that this legislation effectively supports the conservation and sustainable use of populations of migratory waterbirds, and meets the requirements of the AEWA Action Plan. In some countries, national legislation directly establishes protected areas on a site-by-site basis. In these cases, Parties should draft legislation establishing protected areas that cover important waterbird habitats, as determined by the national inventories of important habitats. In most countries, national protected areas legislation establishes processes and criteria for the planning and establishment of protected areas. In some cases, more than one agency has separate authority to create and manage various kinds of protected areas. AEWA Parties should ensure that such legislation provides for the establishment of protected areas that include migratory waterbird sites (including both sites of international importance and those of national importance), either by directly requiring the establishment of protected areas around migratory waterbird habitats, or by including the conservation of migratory waterbirds as one of the criteria to be considered in the process of planning and declarin...
Protected Areas. 1. The Contracting Parties shall individually or, where appropriate, jointly establish a network of protected natural areas within the Dniester River basin, as well as maintain a register of such areas.
2. The Contracting Parties shall designate areas which comply with criteria applicable to wetlands of international importance, maintain a register of such areas and ensure their protection and sustainable use, including on a transboundary basis.
3. Each Contracting Party shall implement within its part of the Dniester River basin, including in the framework of joint programs, specific measures to improve the status of the catchment area, including:
a) expansion of the area and quality of forest plantations and protected areas;
b) implementation of erosion control measures;
c) establishment and enforcement of the utilization regime of water protection zones;
d) conservation of natural landscapes and ecosystems.
4. The Contracting Parties shall take every measure to protect migratory species of birds and mammals related to the Dniester River basin, implement measures to develop and establish elements of the pan-European ecological network in the Dniester River basin.
Protected Areas. The following Protected Areas will be established in the Sea-to-Sky and Lillooet LRMPs1: ▪ Sú7a / Upper Soo Conservancy ▪ Qwalímak / Upper Birkenhead River Conservancy ▪ K’zuzált / Twin Two Conservancy ▪ Scwálem / Xxxxxxxxx Conservancy ▪ Ílacwten / Elaho Conservancy ▪ I7loqaw7/ 100 Lakes Plateau Conservancy ▪ Nlháxten / Cerise Creek Conservancy ▪ Nlháxten / Xxxxxx Lake Park addition Within conservancies, the primary management intent is the maintenance of social and ceremonial and cultural uses by the Lil’wat Nation, the protection and enhancement of any cultural and heritage resources to enable the expression of a connection to the land, and the protection and maintenance of the biological diversity and natural environments, including wildlife habitat values.
1 The name of the conservancy may be different following consultation with other First Nations. The overall goals of conservancies are to: • Provide for the continuation of Lil’wat cultural activities and traditional renewable resource harvesting activities, including, but not limited to: - gathering traditional foods; - gathering plants used for medicinal and ceremonial purposes; - hunting, trapping and fishing; - cutting selected trees for ceremonial or artistic purposes; - conducting, teaching or demonstrating ceremonies of traditional, spiritual or religious significance; - seeking cultural or spiritual inspiration; - constructing and using shelters, such as camps, longhouses and pithouses, essential to the pursuit of the above activities; and - cultural burning. • Maintain the areas for the benefit, education and enjoyment of present and future generations. • Enable sustainable economic development activity consistent with the Lil’wat Nation’s social, cultural and ceremonial uses, and where appropriate to the zoning and management direction, including access to non-timber forest products.
Protected Areas. Location of the Contract in reference to the protected areas was presented on a map in Appendix 6 to the EMP for Contract 3D.2/2 - Map with location of the Works Contract in reference to protected areas and to NATURA 2000 sites. The planned Works Contract shall partially be implemented at Natura 2000 site Dolny Dunajec PLH120085 (in a reach of about 1.2 km – in the area where River Biała flows into Dunajec), and in a distance of about 0.85 km from Biała Tarnowska PLH120090 site. The Natura 2000 site Dolny Dunajec PLH120085 is formed by the River Dunajec in a reach from the dam in Czchów to its estuary to Vistula, along with tributary rivers: Paleśnianka Stream, and Siemiechówka Stream. 2 types of habitats listed under Appendix I to the Habitats Directive were identified there. Those are: Alpine rivers and the herbaceous vegetation along their banks, and Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Pandion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae). Furthermore, the Natura 2000 Standard Data Form for the site Dolny Dunajec PLH120085 lists the following protected species under Article 4 of the Directive 2009/147/EC and species under Appendix II to the Directive 92/43/ECC: asp, barbus, yellow-bellied toad, Eurasian beaver, European bullhead, xxxxx xxxxxxx, otter, Atlantic salmon, northern crested newt, thick shelled river mussel. Natura 2000 site Biała Tarnowska (PLH120090) covers a narrow valley of the River Biała from Śnietnica to the vicinity of Tarnów (bridge in Bistuszowa).18 4 types of habitats listed under Appendix I to the Habitats Directive were identified there. Those are: Alpine rivers and the herbaceous vegetation along their banks, Alpine rivers and their ligneous vegetation with Myricaria germanica, Alpine rivers and their ligneous vegetation with Salix elaeagnos, and Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Pandion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae). Natura 2000 site Biała Tarnowska (PLH120090) is also important for the protection of fish. In general, 16 species of fish were identified in Biała Tarnowska, including 5 species of fish listed under Appendix II to the Habitats Directive, i.e.: asp, barbus, European bullhead, xxxxx xxxxxxx, Atlantic salmon. The Contract implementation area is located beyond the reach of remaining areas under protection, in accordance with the Act of April 16, 2004 on nature conservation (uniformed text: OJ of 2009, no. 152, item 1220, as amended). The ...
Protected Areas. The Contracting Parties shall establish individually and, where appropriate, jointly, a network of specially protected natural areas lying within the Dniester River basin, and also keep a register of such areas. The Contracting Parties shall designate areas that comply with the criteria applicable to wetlands of international importance, keep a register of such areas and ensure their protection and sustainable use, inter alia, on the transboundary basis. Each Contracting Party shall implement within its part of the Dniester River basin, inter alia, in the context of joint projects, specific measures to improve the condition of the catchment area, including: expansion of the area and quality of the forest plantations and protected areas of various types; implementation of erosion control measures; establishment and enforcement of a utilization schedule for water protection areas and riverside zones; conservation of natural landscapes and ecosystems.