NCCPA definition
Examples of NCCPA in a sentence
Without limiting the applicability of rights granted to the public pursuant to FESA, CESA, NCCPA or other applicable law, this Agreement shall not create any right or interest in the public, or any member thereof, as a third party beneficiary thereof, nor shall it authorize anyone not a Party to this Agreement to maintain a suit for personal injuries or property damages under the provisions of this Agreement.
The NCCPA was enacted to encourage broad-based planning to provide for effective protection and conservation of the state’s wildlife resources while continuing to allow appropriate development and growth.
In addition to constituting irregular behavior subject to disciplinary action such as revocation of certification, revocation of eligibility for future certification, and disciplinary fines, such activities violate the NCCPA proprietary rights, including copyrights, and may subject violators to legal action resulting in monetary damages.
Terms specifically defined in FESA, CESA or NCCPA or the regulations adopted by USFWS and DFG under those statutes shall have the same meaning when used in this Agreement.
Violation of exam integrity via any method noted below, in the NCCPA Policy, or by any other form of cheating, such as but not limited to, obtaining a copy of the exam, a previous year’s exam or questions and/or getting help from another student during the exam, is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the Program.