Examples of Near shore in a sentence
Near shore is generally defined as the zone bounded by the shoreline and a distance of 1,000 feet from the shoreline or the 30-foot depth contour, whichever is further from the shoreline.Offshore is generally defined as the area beyond the near shore zone.
Near shore and long distance Tsunami’s can flood and damage sections of the coast.
Near shore and offshore water quality monitoring is required to determine if the effluent is causing or contributing to exceedances in the water quality standards outside of the ZID, to determine the fate of the effluent plume, and to gather data for future permit reissuances.
Near shore sites are located near denser land uses and where major streams enter the lake.
Near shore river currents appear to support deposition of fine-grained sediment resulting in the creation of a lateral bar or sill, and the development of shallow water habitat.
Near shore MTFs are placed as far forward as assault operations and protective considerations permit to reduce ambulance shuttle distances from off-loading points.
Near shore birds, such as Caspian and common terns, are reported by Richard Stevenson.
Near shore, in water too shallow for the cable installation vessel (less than 15 feet deep), an excavator working from a barge would first dig a trench along the cable route and deposit excavated sediment next to the trench.
Near shore locations are located where the water depth is about 1meter.
Within the context of the 2007-2009 Near- shore Framework Priority, a multi- Board Work Group on the Priority on Chemicals of Emerging Concern was charged with reviewing the scientific and policy aspects related to identification, impact, and management of chemicals of emerging concern in the Great Lakes.