Examples of Necessary water in a sentence
Necessary water seal trap shall be provided at the evaporator at the discharge point.05.03.02 Condensate from the evaporator unit shall be drained through properly installed drain piping designed to prevent any accumulation of condensate in the drain pan.05.03.03 Drain piping shall be made of 1.1/4” & 1 1/2” rigid UPVC pipe of kg/cm2 pressure rating with water tight threaded connection, leading from the room unit to a suitable drain point.
Necessary water seal trap shall be provided at the evaporator at the discharge point.
Necessary water distribution network for drinking and service water with pumps, piping, tanks, valves etc will be provided for distributing water at all transfer points, crusher house, control rooms etc.
Necessary water requirement for the proposed project will be met from bore well.
Necessary water bleeding arrangement shall be incorporated with separate drain connection provided in the Stainless Steel Tank to bleed small percentage of total circulated water in order to ensure compulsory water change over during the running of the system.
Necessary water distribution net work will be provided for distributing water at all transfer points, crusher house, control room, etc.
Necessary water seal trap shall be provided at the evaporator at the dis charge point.
Necessary water supply line shall be provided at various places of green space from the main line, for proper maintenance of greenery.
They can be assigned to the γ, β and a relaxations of polyethylene, respectively.
Necessary water quality treatment would be provided via subsurface stormwater treatment vaults.