Examples of Medically Necessary Services in a sentence
PROVIDER shall accept consumers referred and shall render Medically Necessary Services, which PROVIDER is qualified by law to render, customarily provides, and has the capacity to provide.
The Contractor shall not provide that compensation to individuals or entities that conduct utilization management activities is not structured so as to provide incentives for the individual or entity to deny, limit, or discontinue Medically Necessary Services to any Enrollee.
Shall be defined as Medically Necessary Services, that are not specifically excluded from coverage by this Agreement and other Services which are specifically included.
The Readiness Review evaluates each prospective Contractor’s ability to comply with the Demonstration requirements, including but not limited to, the ability to quickly and accurately process claims and enrollment information, accept and transition new Enrollees, and provide adequate access to all Medicare and Medicaid-covered Medically Necessary Services.
Services or Supplies Not Medically Necessary Services or supplies that are not medically necessary even if they are court- ordered.