Net Load definition
Examples of Net Load in a sentence
For purchases and sales, the contract amount governs regardless of the amount actually delivered at the time of such Load Serving Member's greatest Net Load.
The generation-to-load flow for a particular Flowgate, in MWs, will be determined as: Where: Flowgate-m = the relevant flowgate; unit = the relevant generator; RTO_GTLFlowgate-m = the generation to load flow for the entire RTO footprint on Flowgate m; Gen_Finalunit = the portion of each unit’s output that is serving RTO Net Load; GSF(unit,Flowgate-m) = the generator shift factor for each unit on Flowgate m; and RTO_LSFFlowgate-m = the load shift factor for the entire RTO footprint on Flowgate m.
The generation-to-load flow for a particular M2M Flowgate, in MWs, will be determined as: Where: M2M_Flowgate-m = the relevant flowgate; unit = the relevant generator; RTO_GTLM2M_Flowgate-m = the generation to load flow for the entire RTO footprint on Gen_Finalunit = the portion of each unit’s output that is serving RTO Net Load; m; and Flowgate m.
These forecasts shall be performed using the procedure described in Appendix B to this Attachment Y. Estimated TCC revenues from any Incremental TCCs created by a proposed RETP over the ten-year period commencing with the project’s commercial operation date will be added to the Net Load Savings used for the cost allocation and beneficiary determination.
The generation-to-load flow for a particular M2M Flowgate, in MWs, will be determined as: _2_− = ∑ ( _ × − _ ) Where: =1 (,2_−) 2_− M2M_Flowgate-m = the relevant flowgate; unit = the relevant generator; RTO_GTLM2M_Flowgate-m = the generation to load flow for the entire RTO footprint on Gen_Finalunit = the portion of each unit’s output that is serving RTO Net Load; m; and Flowgate m.
ANLT is the Net Load Metric That Is Best Correlated With AWE Events.
High Net Load Contributes to, But Does Not Fully Explain, Grid Stress and Reliability Events.
The Generation Demand Billing Rate for the current billing month shall be equal to the PJM Final Zonal Net Load Price in $/MW-Day multiplied by the number of days in the current billing month and shall represent the price reflective of the cost to procure capacity in the PJM market to serve the Customer’s Generation Demand at the Customer’s service location.
In each case, the contract amount governs regardless of the amount actually delivered at the time of a Load Serving Member's greatest Net Load.
As the majority of the capacity procured via RPM is done so during the BRA, the IPA says there is little variation between the BRA clearing price and the Final Zonal Net Load Price.