Neutered Male definition
Examples of Neutered Male in a sentence
Mayor, Bob Young CAO-Clerk, Roger LabelleTHE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF POWASSAN SCHEDULE “A” OF BY-LAW 2009-09 Column A Column BOn or Before April 30th After April 30th Neutered Male or Spayed Female $10.00 $15.00 if only one dog kept (with veterinarianproof of alteration) Each Additional Dog, Spayed/Neutered $15.00 $20.00 owned by same person or kept in one household(with veterinarian proof of alteration) Unaltered Dogs(Female & Male) $25.00 $30.00 if only one dog kept.
Adult classes - as for Cat Classes SFO – Spey Female OpenDMO – Neutered Male Open CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSESFCHMCHFemale/Male ChampionFGCMGCFemale/Male Grand ChampionFDGCMDGCFemale/Male Double Grand ChampionFPNMPNFemale/Male Premier NeuterPGNMGNFemale/Male Grand Premier NeuterFDGNMDGNFemale/Male Double Grand Premier Neuter All Cats/Neuters who hold the title of DGCH or DGPN will automatically be placed into the appropriate BREED championship class CHALLENGE - May only be awarded at the discretion of the Judge.
ACF - Award of Excellence Certificate –Open to all Adult Exhibits registered with a recognised control body - NO CHARGE.COMPANIONAll COMPANION EXHIBITS MUST BE DESEXED KITTEN CLASSESDFK - Spayed Female Kitten DMK - Neutered Male kitten ADULT CLASSES Same as pedigreed Cat ClassesDFO - Spayed Female Open DMO - Neutered Male OpenC OMPANION ENTRY FORMNote cage size is the width of the cage across the front in cm.
Mayor Acting Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF POWASSAN SCHEDULE 1 OF BY-LAW 2002-03 Showing the amount of the Fees Payable as Provided in Section (2) of By-Law 2002-03 Column “a” n “b” Colum Before March 31 st After March 31st Neutered Male or Spayed Female if only one dog kept.
All fees set forth hereunder are annual fees unless otherwise indicated: 1- Lost or destroyed license or permit $5.002- Junk or junked vehicle dealers (4.02) $50.003- Pharmacist Permit $10.004- Dog License (4.04) Unaltered Female or Male $12.00Spayed Female or Neutered Male $5.00 5- Mobile Home Park License (5.03)For each 50 spaces or fraction $100.00Transfer of License $10.006- Holding Tanks (6.03)Permit of Agreement Fee NONEPerformance Bond NONE7-Special Assessment Letter Request Fee $40.00 8-13.
We lookforward to showing you how our Nativity stars shine!6398 Nativity Lane • Burke, VA 22015703-455-2300 / www.nativityschool.orgOPEN REGISTRATION:February 10th • 9:30 am–12 pm February 11th • 9:30 am–12 pm, 5:30 pm–7 pmFebruary 12th • 9:30 am–11:30 am2nd Open House on February 4th10:00 am – 12:00 pm5:30 pm – 7:00 pmWe invite everyone to join us for our Band Concert immediately following at 7 pmThis is “Rex”Blue Tick Hound, D.O.B. January 14, 2008, Neutered Male, 80 lbs.
As a young girl, I could use some training still, but most of all, I need love.Jack DSH11 Months Neutered Male I love everyone.
Name: Home Address: Date of Birth: Age: ( ) Single ( ) Married ( ) Divorced ( ) Separated ( ) Widowed Home phone # : Cell phone #: Work phone #: E:mail address: Pet’s Name: Breed: Color: Markings: ( ) Neutered Male ( ) Male ( ) Spayed Female ( ) Female Date of Birth: 7.