Examples of NHS Pension Scheme Regulations in a sentence
The NHS pension scheme is a statutory, defined contribution scheme, the provisions of which are laid down in the NHS Pension Scheme Regulations 1995 (SI 1995 No.300).
Since these moments can not be estimated exactly for small-sample observations we model them as uncertain parameters.
Termination payments are limited to those laid down in statute and those provided for within NHS terms and conditions of service and under the NHS Pension Scheme Regulations for those who are members of the scheme.
The statutory NHS Pension Scheme Regulations state that fee based GP work in a practice is only recognised as GP Locum work (in pension terms) if the GP is engaged on a strictly temporary basis.
The Pensions Manager will need to be contacted to establish if the employee has the required service to apply for ill-health retirement under the NHS Pension Scheme Regulations.
You will be eligible for membership of the NHS Pension Scheme, the provisions of which are set out in the NHS Pension Scheme Regulations 1995 (as amended).
This is a statutory scheme the provisions for which are contained in the NHS Pension Scheme Regulations (SI 1995 No 300).
Doctors will be eligible for membership of the NHS Pension Scheme, the provisions of which are set out in the NHS Pension Scheme Regulations 2015 (as amended).
This Board is established under Scottish NHS Pension Scheme Regulations 2015, in accordance with the requirement set out in Section 5 of the Public Service Pensions Act 2013.
All employees are eligible to join the Scheme, the provisions of which are contained in the NHS Pension Scheme Regulations (Sl 1995 No. 300).