NOFA definition
Examples of NOFA in a sentence
In accepting this reservation of funds, the “Contractor” as defined in Exhibit D, Section 2 (A)(11) agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as it relates to the ESG Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) under which the Contractor applied, the representations contained in the Contractor’s Application for the ESG funding allocations, and the requirements of the authorities cited above.
The counties belonging to each region will be announced in the NOFA.
HUD relies on HCD and ESG NOFA applicants to combat ESG program fraud.
The amounts available for administrative activities will be announced in the Annual Action Plan and NOFA, 25 CCR 8402.
The following are project specific terms and conditions (referred to as enumerated provision(s) for ease of reference in prior exhibits) as result of application submitted in response to the ESG NOFA dated August 15, 2023, shall inform the references made to project specific information not contained in prior exhibits.