SOQ definition
Examples of SOQ in a sentence
The information required by this section will be used in the qualitative assessment of the SOQ.
Note: All pages exceeding the specified maximum page limit will be removed from the submittal and not considered in evaluating a submitted SOQ.
The respondent also understands that failure to mention these items during the question period or in the SOQ will be interpreted to mean that the respondent is in full agreement with the terms, conditions, specifications and requirements in the therein.
Unless otherwise provided by law, records marked as “Exempt from Disclosure under FOIL” in a SOQ or Proposal submitted by an unsuccessful Proposer, which meet the requirements of FOIL, are not subject to inspection at any time by third parties under FOIL, and the records so marked by the successful Proposer in its SOQ and Proposal will remain confidential.
Making a materially false statement in this SOQ submission is grounds for rejection and debarment.