SGM definition
SGM the special general meeting to be convened by the Company for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, approving, amongst other things, the Sale and Purchase Agreement and the transaction contemplated thereunder “Share(s)” ordinary share(s) in the share capital of the Company
SGM means a special general meeting held in accordance with the constitution of the Competition. “Team” means a team affiliated to a Club, including where a Club provides more than one team in the Competition in accordance with the Rules.
Examples of SGM in a sentence
The CTU may provide any feedback about test scheduling to be considered for the coming school year via existing district union committees (e.g., the Calendar Committee, SGM sub- committee, Third Grade Guarantee committee, Humanware committee, etc.) through the end of the first month of school.
More Definitions of SGM
SGM the special general meeting of the Company to be convened and held for the purpose of considering, if thought fit, approving the Aggregate Acquisitions and the transactions contemplated thereunder. “Share(s)” ordinary share(s) of HK$0.10 each in the share capital of the Company “Shareholder(s)” holder(s) of Shares “sq.ft.” square foot or square feet
SGM means Special General Meeting.
SGM a special general meeting of the Company to be convened for the purposes of considering, and if thought fit, approving the Agreement A and Agreement B, and the Disposals contemplated thereunder “Shareholders” registered holders of the Shares from time to time
SGM means a Special General Meeting of the Centre convened pursuant to Rule 23.6 (Special General Meeting).
SGM the special general meeting to be convened by the Company for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, approving the terms of and the proposed annual caps in relation to the transactions under the Framework Agreement
SGM means all Special General Meetings held by the Association as provided for and in terms of the provisions of this Constitution;