SUVA definition
Examples of SUVA in a sentence
This directive is administered, periodically revised and enforced by SUVA (Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund).
SUVA is equal to the UV absorption at 254nm (UV254) measured in m−1 divided by the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration measured as mg/L.
SUVA) means specific ultraviolet absorption at 254 nanometers (nm), which is an indicator of the humic content of water.
Contributions deducted from current earnings which are apportionable to (compulsory) contributions to statutory national or foreign health, accident and loss of earnings insurance (including care insurance), as well as pension and unemployment insurance;e.g. AHV (old-age and surviving dependants' insurance), ALV (unemployment insurance), NBU (non-occupational accident insurance), KV (health insurance), SUVA (Swiss accident insurance institute), etc.
In order to determine SUVA, it is necessary to separately measure UV254 and DOC.