Nominal diameter definition
Examples of Nominal diameter in a sentence
SD(P)0.5 133,200 L = Allowable leakage in gallons (per hour) S = Tested length of pipe (feet) D = Nominal diameter of pipe (inches) P = Average test pressure during the test (psi) Should any test of pipe laid disclose leakage greater than that specified above, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, locate and repair the points of leakage until the leakage is within the specified allowance.
Semi-hard and hard steel, deformed bars or cold worked steel will always be bent using a mandrel of the appropriate diameter, described in the table below, for semi-hard and hard steel: Nominal diameter of the [mm]The lengths of restraint and overlap length stated on the plans will be strictly respected.
Nominal diameter or nominal pipe size" means the inside diameter of pipe for pipe sizes one-inch through twelve inches in diameter and means the outside pipe diameter for pipe sizes greater than twelve inches in diameter.
The Contractor shall refer to Section, 301.05.07, “Hydrostatic Testing” of SCWD Standard Specifications, except that the allowable leakage will be calculated by the following formula: La = {LDP}/148,000 where:La = Allowable leakageL = Length of the pipe runD = Nominal diameter of the pipe in inches P = Test pressure The Contractor shall perform pressure testing in compliance with District requirements.
Allowable leakage shall be calculated according to the following formula: Ductile Iron and PVC Pipe:L = N x D x SQRT(P) 148,000 L = Allowable Leakage in gallons per hour N = Total length of pipe being tested in feet D = Nominal diameter of pipe in inchesP = The average test pressure in psi Each test section of pipe shall be slowly filled with water and the specified test pressure (measured at the lowest point of elevation) shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a satisfactory manner.
Nominal diameter is used to represent a typical diameter for a part that has different diameters/external radiuses along its length (e.g., screws and nuts).
The permitted application conditions and design details of the delivered pump are shown in the attached data sheet and / or order confirmation.For example: Position (0) - Model designation:LS - Foot mounted casing design (12 / 16 bar) LC - Foot mounted casing design (25 bar) LCP - Casing feet centre line (25 bar)Position (1) - Nominal diameter of discharge nozzle in mmPosition (2) - Nominal impeller size in mm Position (3) - Method of shaft sealing:S1 - Single mechanical seal acc.
The width of the trench at bottom between the faces of sheeting shall be Nominal diameter of the pipe plus 300mm clearance on either side of the pipe.
Service connections for pressurised pipe: • Nominal diameter, material type, length and class of pipes laid.• For connection boundary kits connecting to a pressurised system show the distance from the centre of the boundary kit box cover to the connection point on the main pipe.
Nominal diameter for pipes or span and height for RCBs. Number of barrels.