Examples of Nominated Undertaker in a sentence
Where practicable, the Nominated Undertaker will provide a longer period of notice to the Petitioner.
The Nominated Undertaker will ensure any early planting during construction is maintained to promote healthy growth.
For vans, contractors shall aim towards meeting a target of 75% ULEV use (or other percentage agreed with the Nominated Undertaker), measured as annual vehicle mileage).
Where Enabling Works Contractors do not produce ESSMPs, they shall make equivalent provisions to those set out in this paragraph, and agree them with the Nominated Undertaker.
Contractors shall aim to adopt ULEV cars from the start of works under the act (and report actual usage measured as annual vehicle mileage, not unique vehicles), working towards a target of 100% ULEV use (or other percentage agreed with the Nominated Undertaker who shall have regard to what is proportionate given the size and duration of the contract) over the course of their contract, taking into account the contract size, duration and vehicle activity.
This plan should be agreed with the Nominated Undertaker and progress against the plan shall be measured and reported.3.9.8 The use of cars (for the purposes of construction activities) by contractors is expected to be minimal during HS2 construction in inner urban areas within London.
The measures described will be applied by the Nominated Undertaker and its Contractors throughout the construction period to minimise the potential environmental and community impacts within the Buckinghamshire Council area during construction.2.1.2 The Nominated Undertaker and its Contractors will develop the detailed Environmental Management Plans, taking into account this LEMP and the Environmental Minimum Requirements.
Contractors shall also provide annual (calendar year) statistics to the Nominated Undertaker to enable aggregate reports to be compiled.3.9.11 In keeping with HS2’s principle of avoiding pollutant emissions to air as far as reasonably practicable, keep under review the potential for further updating this assurance to respond to potential future changes to vehicle emissions standards, technology and/or legislation.
The Nominated Undertaker will liaise with the local authority and Historic England during the preparation of the methodology for the works.
As set out in section 4.3.10 of the CoCP, where the Nominated Undertaker’s Contractors are monitoring noise, dust and air quality with equipment capable of streaming data in real time, this will be made available to RBKC if a written request is received by the Nominated Undertaker.