North Haven definition
Examples of North Haven in a sentence
Ferry Service employees are to be credited with four (4) hours work during the layover of the summer Sunday runs on the North Haven Ferry.
Ferry service employees are to be credited with four (4) hours work during the layover of the summer Sunday runs on the North Haven Ferry.
Western boundary: South of a line starting at the southern most point of Stinson Point, Deer Isle west to Mullen Head, North Haven; then East of a line starting at Fish Point, North Haven to Calder Wood Point on Calderwood Neck, Vinalhaven; continuing from the southern most point of Lane Island, Vinalhaven, True South to the three mile limit.
Southern boundary: North of a line starting at the southern most point of Stinson Point, Deer Isle, West to Mullen Head, North Haven AND North of a line starting at Pulpit Rock, North Haven due West to the Sea Urchin Zone line at Latitude 44 09.551 N Longitude 69 01.510 W.
In addition there are eight Cooperative Extension Offices located in Bethel, West Hartford, Torrington, Haddam, North Haven, Norwich, Vernon and Brooklyn.
Eastern boundary: West of a line starting at Calder Wood Point, Vinalhaven to Fish Point, North Haven; then West of a line from the southern most point of Lane Island, Vinalhaven, True South to the three mile limit.
State Order No. 8014 was effective on March 22, 1989.(C) State Order No. 8027 and attached Compliance Timetable for Pratt & Whitney Division of United Tech- nologies Corporation in North Haven, Connecticut.
Northern/Western boundary: South of a line starting at Pulpit Rock, North Haven due West to the Sea Urchin Zone line at Latitude 44 09.551 N Longitude 69 01.510 W and continuing south along the Sea Urchin Zone line to the three mile limit, encompassing the territorial waters around all the outer islands of Penobscot Bay including Matinicus Island, Ragged Island, Wooden Ball Island, Seal Island and Matinicus Rock.
DOWNLINE ACTIVITY REPORTS (GENEALOGY REPORTS) – Refers to any of several reports generated by Beachbody or from Beachbody controlled data that provide critical data relating to the identities of Coaches, sales information and enrollment activity of each Coach’s Downline.
A) Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut DEP providing a complete description of the reasonably available control technology determination im- posed on Pratt and Whitney’s East Hartford facility.(B) Technical Support Document pre- pared by the Connecticut DEP pro- viding a complete description of the reasonably available control tech- nology determination imposed on Pratt and Whitney’s North Haven facility.