Examples of NPW Act in a sentence
The NPWS Managing Parks Prior to Plan of Management Policy states that parks and reserves without a plan of management are to be managed in a manner consistent with the intent of the NPW Act and the ‘precautionary principle’ (see Principle 15).
Nature reserves are reserved under the NPW Act to protect and conserve areas containing outstanding, unique or representative ecosystems, species, communities or natural phenomena.
This statement, together with relevant NPWS policies, will guide the management of the reserve until a plan of management has been prepared in accordance with the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act).
State conservation areas are reserved under the NPW Act to protect and conserve areas that:• contain significant or representative ecosystems, landforms or natural phenomena or places of cultural significance• are capable of providing opportunities for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment, the sustainable use of buildings and structures, or research• are capable of providing opportunities for uses permitted under other provisions of the NPW Act.
The NPW Act requires a review of the classification of state conservation areas every five years in consultation with the Minister administering the Mining Act 1992.
This statement, together with relevant NPWS policies, will guide the management of the SCA until a plan of management has been prepared in accordance with the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act).
The NVC will also consider, with the aim to minimize, impacts on biological diversity, soil, water and other natural resources, threatened species or ecological communities under the EPBC Act or listed species under the NP&W Act.
To avoid any doubt, nothing in this agreement is to be construed as authorising (including, but not limited to, by way of a consent, permit, approval or authorisation of any kind for the purposes of Part 6 of the NPW Act) any person to damage or to cause or permit damage to an Aboriginal object or Aboriginal place in, on or under the biobank site.
While multi-species recovery plans may be a cost-effective way of recovering more 93 See Department of Environment and Climate Change at: http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/criticalhabitat/CriticalHabitatProtectionByDoctype.htm94 For example, nature reserves declared under the NPW Act 1974.
A permit is required to damage or disturb Aboriginal sites under Section 90 of the NP&W Act.