Examples of Nuisance Activities in a sentence
Demand that the Person in Control respond within ten (10) days to the Morrow County Sheriff and propose a course of action that the Morrow County Sheriff agrees will abate the Nuisance Activities giving rise to the violation.
Any summary closure proceeding shall be based on evidence showing that Nuisance Activities exist or have occurred on the Property and that emergency action is necessary to avoid an immediate threat to public welfare and safety.
A statement that the Morrow County Sheriff has determined the Property to be Chronic Nuisance Property with a concise description of the Nuisance Activities leading to his/her determination.
The public nuisance created by a Chronic Nuisance Premises shall be deemed abated when no Enforcement Action to address Nuisance Activities occurs for a period of six (6) consecutive months from the date stated on the notice declaring the premise a Chronic Nuisance Premise and/or there are no building inspection cases generated for a period of six (6) consecutive months from the date stated on the notice declaring the Premise.
Nuisance Declaration Date: September 7, 2010 Nuisance Activities: Seven nuisance activities occurring within 60 days.
If the Premises owner ceased to cooperate with the efforts to abate the Nuisance Activities, the Chief of Police and Director of Building Inspection will reinstitute enforcement of this ordinance after sending the Premises owner a Change in Status letter.
Nuisance Activities: The declaration was based upon 8 nuisance activities occurring within 60 days.
It is the public policy of the Town to utilize this ordinance to control and manage the Nuisance Activities and properties described below, and to appropriately assign financial liability for enforcement actions to the owners of the property where such activities repeatedly occur.
The Police Department shall document all responses to complaints of Nuisance Activities and classify each complaint as either “substantiated” or “unsubstantiated”.
While fines and enforcement actions may be necessary, this ordinance is not adopted to create a mechanism to solely impose punishments on the property owners; instead the goal of this ordinance is to engage property owners in a process of eliminating these Nuisance Activities to the greatest degree possible.