Paint remover or stripper means any product designed to strip or remove paints or other related coatings, by chemical action, from a substrate without markedly affecting the substrate. “Paint Remover or Stripper” does not include “Multi-purpose Solvent,” paint brush cleaners, products designed and labeled exclusively as “Graffiti Remover,” and hand cleaner products that claim to remove paints and other related coatings from skin.
Tree removal means to kill or to cause irreparable damage that leads to the decline and/or death of a tree. This includes, but is not limited to, excessive pruning, application of substances that are toxic to the tree, over-mulching or improper mulching, and improper grading and/or soil compaction within the critical root radius around the base of the tree that leads to the decline and/or death of a tree. Removal does not include responsible pruning and maintenance of a tree, or the application of treatments intended to manage invasive species.
Emergency removal means the suspension or expulsion of a student on an emergency basis, consistent with state law. Nothing in the Title IX regulations precludes a district from removing a respondent from the district’s education program or activity on an emergency basis, provided that the district follows all procedures under Massachusetts law, undertakes an individualized safety and risk analysis, determines that an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any student or other individual arising from the allegations of sexual harassment justifies removal, and provides the respondent with notice and an opportunity to challenge the decision immediately following the removal.
Stand-Alone Test Environment or "SATE" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
Non-Administrator Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility means a Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility that does not meet the definition of an Administrator Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facility.
Exfiltration means any unauthorized release of data from within an information system. This includes copying the data through covert network channels or the copying of data to unauthorized media.
Bug and tar remover means a product labeled to remove either or both of the following from painted motor vehicle surfaces without causing damage to the finish:
Adhesive remover means a product designed to remove adhesive from either a specific substrate or a variety of substrates. “Adhesive Remover” does not include products that remove adhesives intended for use on humans or animals.
Loose-fitting facepiece means a respiratory inlet covering that is designed to form a partial seal with the face.
Reactor means a vat or vessel, which may be jacketed to permit temperature control, designed to contain chemical reactions.
Direct filtration means a series of processes including coagulation and filtration but excluding sedimentation resulting in substantial particulate removal.
Filtration means a process for removing particulate matter from water by passage through porous media.
Diatomaceous earth filtration means a process resulting in substantial particulate removal in which (1) a precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support membrane (septum), and (2) while the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the septum, additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed water to maintain the permeability of the filter cake.
Legend Removal Date shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 4.1(c).
Disposable respirator means a respirator for which maintenance is not intended and that is designed to be discarded after excessive breathing resistance, sorbent exhaustion, physical damage, or end-of-service-life renders it unsuitable for use. Examples of this type of respirator are a disposable half-mask respirator or a disposable escape-only self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
Containment means a process to protect workers and the environment by controlling exposures to the lead-contaminated dust and debris created during an abatement.
Tight-fitting facepiece means a respiratory inlet covering that forms a complete seal with the face.
Cannabis testing facility means an entity registered by
Filtering facepiece (dust mask) means a negative pressure particulate respirator with a filter as an integral part of the facepiece or with the entire facepiece composed of the filtering medium, not equipped with elastomeric sealing surfaces and adjustable straps.
Unauthorized Removal means the Contractor’s removal of Key Personnel without the prior written consent of the State.
Encapsulation means the application of an encapsulant.
Plasma arc incinerator means any enclosed device using a high intensity electrical discharge or arc as a source of heat followed by an afterburner using controlled flame combustion and which is not listed as an industrial furnace.
Testing means that element of inspection that determines the properties or elements, including functional operation of materials, equipment, or their components, by the application of established scientific principles and procedures.
Nuclear reactor means any apparatus designed or used to sustain nuclear fission in a self-supporting chain reaction or to contain a critical mass of fissionable material.
LOCKHEED XXXXXX Procurement Representative means a person authorized by LOCKHEED XXXXXX'x cognizant procurement organization to administer and/or execute this Contract.
Autism spectrum disorder means a neuro-developmental condition typically appearing in the first three years of life that significantly affects a person's ability to communicate, understand relationships and relate to others, and is frequently associated with unusual or stereotypical rituals or behaviours.