Officially Designated definition
Examples of Officially Designated in a sentence
For purposes of this NCIMS voluntary ICP, the Third Party Certifier (TPC) shall have similar authority and responsibilities as State Regulatory Agencies, State Rating Agencies, State Laboratory Control Agencies and/or Officially Designated Laboratories, if applicable, as identified in the NCIMS Grade “A” Milk Safety Program.
There are no trees or historic buildings that have been identified by the County as contributing to exceptional aesthetic value at the project site (California Department of Transportation, California Scenic Highway Program, Officially Designated State Scenic Highways, p.2 (
State and National Scenic DesignationsIn 1999 Highway 1 was designated by the State of California as an Officially Designated Scenic Highway.
Officially Designated Laboratory: An officially designated laboratory is a commercial laboratory authorized to do official work by the regulatory agency, or a milk industry laboratory officially designated by the regulatory agency for the examination of producer samples of Grade 'A' raw milk for pasteurization and commingled milk tank truck samples of raw milk for drug residues.
DOE Headquarters (HQ) equivalencies and exemptions must be approved by the Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety, and Security (AU-1) or designee, which for DOE HQ is the Director of the Office of Headquarters Security Operations (AU-40), designated as the DOE HQ Officially Designated Federal Security Authority (ODFSA).All approved S&S equivalencies and exemptions are maintained in the Safeguards and Security Information Management System (SSIMS) database.
REQUIREMENTS The HSO program complements and supports the SSP by providing for security points of contact within each HQ element for implementation of security requirements in support the SSP and by authority of the Officially Designated Federal Security Authority (ODFSA).
SR 1, which is located adjacent to the project site, is an Officially Designated State Scenic Highway as well as a National Scenic Byway and All-American Road.
Fee Determination Official (FDO) The FDO is the Officially Designated Federal Security Authority (ODFSA).
Officially Designated State Scenic Highways and Historic Parkways.
I-680 is listed as an Officially Designated State Scenic Highway between Mission Boulevard (SR 238) and the Contra Costa County line in Alameda County (PM R6.4 to R21.9) and from the Alameda County line to SR 24 in Contra Costa County (PM 0.0 to 14.4).