Examples of Old Mutual plc in a sentence
Persons subject to this Code are prohibited from acquiring securities issued by the Firm’s parent company OM Asset Management plc, Old Mutual plc or any publicly traded securities of other related or Affiliated Company(s).
Access Persons are prohibited from acquiring securities issued by the Firm’s parent company OM Asset Management plc, Old Mutual plc or any other related publicly traded securities.
The ultimate holding company is Old Mutual plc, incorporated in the United Kingdom.
Thus, there is a “black-out” period for Employees trading in Old Mutual plc stock until there is full public disclosure of the planned actions or reports.
Access Persons are prohibited from acquiring securities issued by the Firm’s parent company OMAM Inc., Old Mutual plc or any other related publicly traded securities.
OLDMUTUAL Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2018 B: SEGMENT INFORMATIONB1: Basis of segmentationThe execution of Managed Separation, as described in note A1 and note A2, constituted a reorganisation of the previous Old Mutual plc Group, resulting in the formation of two new groups, Old Mutual Limited and Quilter.
The company's ultimate holding company is Old Mutual plc incorporated in the United Kingdom and listed on the London, Johannesburg, Malawi, Namibia and Zimbabwe stock exchanges.
The end result of the execution of the schemes was that for every three Old Mutual plc shares held, employee shareholders received one ordinary share in Quilter and three ordinary shares in Old Mutual Limited.
OLDMUTUAL Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2018Directors Report Nature of businessOld Mutual Limited1 (the Company or the Group) was listed in South Africa during June 2018 and inserted as the holding company of the Old Mutual Residual UK Group (the former Old Mutual plc2 Group) via a UK court scheme of arrangement duly sanctioned by Old Mutual plc shareholders.
This included the treatment within the Company and Group Financial Statements and involved detailed review of the distribution and initial public offering of Quilter plc, the application of predecessor accounting when Old Mutual Limited acquired Old Mutual plc and the unbundling of 32% of Nedbank Group Limited during October 2018.During November 2018 and January 2019, the committee reviewed the goodwill and intangible assets impairment reviews that were based on the latest business planning inputs.