Online journalism definition

Online journalism means the technical work of news writing, information and visual collection, and editing for the purpose of production, publishing, transmission and distribution of news- oriented or informative materials including news, information, opinion, photo or audio visual by using the technology based on the internet.

Examples of Online journalism in a sentence

  • Online journalism and print media are also options for gainful employment.

  • Online = real time Online journalism can be published in real time, updating breaking news and events as they happen.

  • Online = shifted time Online journalism also takes advantage of shifted time.

  • Since democracy is still in a developing stage for many Third World countries, values such as the freedom of the speech and the freedom of the press remain the highest priority, but not democracy per se, especially when most people in Third Word countries lack an understanding of democracy or are not even interested in obtaining the Western model of democracy.4 Online journalism is thoroughly discussed in Chapter Three section 3.3.5 See for example Chapter Three section 3.2.determinism.

  • Online journalism even though very new, is catching up very fast.

  • Online journalism started in 1993 by University of Florida’s department of Journalism, shortly after Mosiac, the first web browser was launched, in 1997 BBC online was launched, in 1999 Guardian Unlimited was launched and since then it has been leaps and bounds for online journalism down to 2013, when virtually everybody is a journalist and has his or her own blog.

  • Online journalism is becoming increasingly important with repressive media laws that are strangling independent journalism within Zimbabwe.

  • The economical weight and the way of doing business of these organizations thus depend on their common social representations and the mode of construction of general interest.

  • Online journalism: Principles and practices of news for the web(2nd ed.).

  • İn the early 2000s, mainstream news sites were the widespread form of Online journalism.

Related to Online journalism

  • Student journalist means a student who gathers, writes, edits, photographs, records, video tapes, or prepares information for dissemination in student media.

  • published market means, for a class of securities, a marketplace on which the securities have traded that discloses regularly in a publication of general and regular paid circulation or in a form that is broadly distributed by electronic means the prices at which those securities have traded;

  • child pornography means any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where –

  • algorithmic trading means trading in financial instruments where a computer algorithm automatically determines individual parameters of orders such as whether to initiate the order, the timing, price or quantity of the order or how to manage the order after its submission, with limited or no human intervention. This definition does not include any system that is only used for the purpose of routing orders to one or more trading venues or for the confirmation of orders;

  • Core Curriculum Content Standards means the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.

  • Journal means the official Journal of the European Union or successor publication thereto.

  • Licensed behavior analyst means a person who holds current certification or meets the standards to be certified as a board certified Behavior Analyst or a board certified Assistant Behavior Analyst issued by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc., or any successor in interest to that organization and whom the Board of Psychological Examiners licenses as a Behavior Analyst.

  • Publisher means any person or entity that distributes copies of the Document to the public.

  • Peer-reviewed medical literature means a published scientific study in a journal or other publication in which original manuscripts have been published only after having been critically reviewed for scientific accuracy, validity and reliability by unbiased independent experts, and that has been determined by the international committee of medical journal editors to have met the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Peer-reviewed medical literature does not include publications or supplements to publications that are sponsored to a significant extent by a pharmaceutical manufacturing company or health carrier.

  • Street Trading means the selling or exposing or the offering for sale of any article (including a living thing) or the supplying or offering to supply any service in a street for gain or reward.

  • BC Bid Website means; “City” means the City of Surrey;

  • phonogram means the fixation of the sounds of a performance or of other sounds, or of a representation of sounds, other than in the form of a fixation incorporated in a cinematographic or other audiovisual work;

  • Alert means events may occur, are in progress, or have occurred that could lead to a release of radioactive material but that the release is not expected to require a response by offsite response organizations to protect persons offsite.

  • Regulatory Information Service means a service approved by the London Stock Exchange for the distribution to the public of announcements; and

  • Internet service means a service that enables users to access proprietary and other content,

  • Benchmark Gilt means, in respect of a Reset Period, such United Kingdom government security having a maturity date on or about the last day of such Reset Period as the Calculation Agent, with the advice of the Reference Banks, may determine to be appropriate;

  • Benchmarked Price means the higher of:

  • Bloomberg Screen SOFRRATE Page means the Bloomberg screen designated “SOFRRATE” or any successor page or service;

  • Internet Protocol or “IP” means a communications protocol for devices connected to the Internet that specifies the format for addresses and units of transmitted data.

  • broadcast means the transmission, relaying or distribution by wireless telegraphy of communications, sounds, signs, visual images or signals, intended for direct reception by the general public whether such communications, sounds, signs, visual images or signals are actually received or not;

  • PIR means Problem Identification Report.

  • Publication means any report, article, educational material, handbook, brochure, pamphlet, press release, public service announcement, web page, audio or visual material or other communication for public dissemination, which relates to all or any portion of the Grant Plan or is paid for in whole or in part using Grant Funds.

  • Common Channel Signaling (“CCS”) is a method of digitally transmitting call set-up and network control data over a digital signaling network fully separate from the public switched telephone network that carries the actual call.

  • Display means any device for displaying letters, numbers, images or other indicia or patterns. Nothing contained herein shall permit LICENSEE to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of a Light Valve which is not combined or intended to be combined as described above into a Light Valve Architectural Window Product.

  • JOBURG MARKET means Johannesburg Fresh Produce Market (SOC) Limited (trading as Joburg Market), a corporatized municipal entity incorporated in terms of the laws of the RSA under registration number 2000/023383/07 and with VAT registration number 4840195038, with its domicilium citandi et executandi situated at The Office of the CEO, 3rd Floor, Main Building, Joburg Market, 4 Fortune Road (off Heidelberg Road), City Deep, 2049, Johannesburg.

  • Peak Market Activity means a measure of exposure for which credit is required, involving peak exposures in rolling three-week periods over a year timeframe, with two semi-annual reset points, pursuant to provisions of Tariff, Attachment Q, section V.A. Peak Market Activity shall exclude FTR Net Activity, Virtual Transactions Net Activity, and Export Transactions Net Activity. Peak Season: