Examples of Benchmarked Price in a sentence
Nonetheless, given that the Theoretical Diluted Price of HK$0.688 is the same as the Benchmarked Price of HK$0.688 instead of a discount, the Rights Issue would not result in theoretical dilution effect (as defined under Rule 7.27B of the Listing Rules) in terms of value of Shares held by the Qualifying Shareholders who elect not to take up their respective entitlements in full.
In addition, any shares to be issued under the Share Issue Mandate shall not be issued at a discount of more than 10% to the Benchmarked Price (below the 20% limit permitted under the Listing Rules).
Any additional Ordinary Shares to be issued or allotted pursuant to this mandate shall not be at a discount of more than 10% to the Benchmarked Price as detailed in the proxy statement.
However,as the Placing Price represents a discount of 20% or more to the Benchmarked Price of the Shares, the Placing Shares will not be issued under the Existing General Mandate, but the Company will seek the grant of a Special Mandate (which is in addition to, and will not prejudice nor revoke the Existing General Mandate) to allot and issue the Placing Shares at the EGM to be convened and held by the Company.
Th e redemptio n pric e (“ Redemptio n Price ”) for each Preference Share so redeemed shall be the higher price of either (a) the Issuer Price or (b) the price equivalent to 10% discount of the Benchmarked Price for the Ordinary Shares on the date of the Redemption Notice.
Where insufficient quotes can be obtained, a Benchmarked Price (i.e. the cost of supply to another NHS Trust adjusted to reflect the pricing assumptions outlined above) may be submitted or a Price based on fewer than 3 quotations.
A1 a2A2 rArBT LL Figure 2: L is a separating axis for OBBs A and B becauseA and B become disjoint intervals under projection onto L.