Open dump means a site on which any solid waste is placed, discharged, deposited, injected,
Open Position means a Long Position or a Short Position which is not a Completed Transaction.
Open burning means the combustion of any material without the following characteristics:
Open Fire means any fire wherein the products of combustion are emitted into the open air and are not directed thereto through a stack or chimney.
Open Positions means aggregate risk disclosure, arising from buy or sell of financial instruments in accordance with Client instructions pending for subsequent counter-transaction to close/settle such market trades/disclosures.
Open Period means the period beginning on and including the Trading Day immediately following the Effective Date and ending on the earlier to occur of (i) the date which is thirty-six (36) months from the Effective Date; or (ii) termination of the Agreement in accordance with Section 9, below.
Open record means a record other than a confidential record.
Open Access means the non-discriminatory provision for the use of transmission lines or distribution system or associated facilities with such lines or system by any licensee or consumer or a person engaged in generation in accordance with the regulations specified by the Appropriate Commission;
Open session means a meeting which is held in a place reasonably accessible to members of the public and open to all cit- izens at all times. In the case of a state governmental body, it means a meeting which is held in a building and room thereof which enables access by persons with functional limitations, as defined in s. 101.13 (1).
multilateral trading facility (MTF means a multilateral system in the Union within the meaning of Article 2(1)(6) of Regulation[MiFIR].
Open space means undeveloped land, a naturally landscaped area, or a formal or man-made landscaped area that provides a connective link or a buffer between other resources.
Open-end credit means credit extended by a creditor under an agreement in which:
Open Item List means a list of work activities, Punchlist items, changes or other issues that are not expected by Owner and Contractor to be complete prior to Substantial Completion.
Open Tenders means the tenders invited in open and public manner and with adequate notice.
Open Book Data means complete and accurate financial and non-financial information which is sufficient to enable the Authority to verify the Charges already paid or payable and Charges forecast to be paid during the Framework Period and term of any Call Off Contracts, including details and all assumptions relating to: the Supplier’s Costs broken down against each Good and/or Service and/or deliverable, including actual capital expenditure (including capital replacement costs) and the unit cost and total actual costs of all goods and/or services; operating expenditure relating to the provision of the Goods and/or Services including an analysis showing: the unit costs and quantity of Goods and any other consumables and bought-in goods and services; manpower resources broken down into the number and grade/role of all Supplier Personnel (free of any contingency) together with a list of agreed rates against each manpower grade; and a list of Costs underpinning those rates for each manpower grade, being the agreed rate less the Supplier Profit Margin; and Overheads; all interest, expenses and any other third party financing costs incurred in relation to the provision of the Services; the Supplier Profit achieved over the Framework Period and term of any Call Off Contracts and on an annual basis; confirmation that all methods of Cost apportionment and Overhead allocation are consistent with and not more onerous than such methods applied generally by the Supplier; an explanation of the type and value of risk and contingencies associated with the provision of the Goods and/or Services, including the amount of money attributed to each risk and/or contingency; and the actual Costs profile for each Service Period under any Call Off Contracts;
multilateral trading facility or ‘MTF’ means a multilateral system, operated by an investment firm or a market operator, which brings together multiple third-party buying and selling interests in financial instruments – in the system and in accordance with non-discretionary rules – in a way that results in a contract in accordance with Title II of this Directive;
Request regarding a statement of account means a record authenticated by a debtor requesting that the recipient approve or correct a statement indicating what the debtor believes to be the aggregate amount of unpaid obligations secured by collateral as of a specified date and reasonably identifying the transaction or relationship that is the subject of the request.
Open space land means (a) any land area so designated by an
Average Delinquency Ratio on any Payment Date means the average of the Delinquency Ratios for the preceding three calendar months.
Off-Peak Hours means those hours which are not On-Peak Hours.
open of business means 9:00 a.m. (New York City time).
Cash on Hand means, as of any date, all xxxxx cash, vault cash, teller cash, ATM cash, prepaid postage and cash equivalents held at a Branch.
Request regarding a list of collateral means a record authenticated by a debtor requesting that the recipient approve or correct a list of what the debtor believes to be the collateral securing an obligation and reasonably identifying the transaction or relationship that is the subject of the request.
public open space means an open space area conveyed or
Cash Flow Available for Debt Service for any period, means (i) Cash Flow received during such period minus (ii) (A) all O&M Costs paid during such period and (B) if an Equity Cure has been made in any fiscal quarter during the period for which Cash Flow Available for Debt Service is calculated, the lesser of the aggregate amount of (x) such Equity Cure during such period and (y) the aggregate amount of cash distributions paid by the Company during such period.
Transaction Date means, with respect to the Incurrence of any Indebtedness by the Company or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries, the date such Indebtedness is to be Incurred and, with respect to any Restricted Payment, the date such Restricted Payment is to be made.