Open Water Fishing definition

Open Water Fishing means all fishing other than fishing through an artificial hole in the ice.
Open Water Fishing means all fishing that occurs except when ice is used as a platform from which to fish.
Open Water Fishing means a manner of fishing as described in 10 V.S.A. App. § 122 Subsection 3.0.

Examples of Open Water Fishing in a sentence

  • Estimates presented in the "Maine Open Water Fishing Survey, Summer, 1999 are felt to be unreliably high; consequently this assessment of demand is based on the winter fishery only.

  • This low preference of open water anglers for lake whitefish is again evident in the 1999 Open Water Fishing Survey where only 11% of the anglers rated the opportunity to catch this species as important to them on their fishing trip, placing whitefish ahead of crappie, yellow perch and burbot.

  • Number of Regulations Prohibiting the Taking of Smelts as Printed in the Open Water Fishing Law Books for the Years 1970, 1985, 2000 REGION BY YEAR The second problem relates to interactions between spring smelters and the general public.

More Definitions of Open Water Fishing

Open Water Fishing means a manner of fishing as described in 10

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