To fish definition
Examples of To fish in a sentence
To fish in the Offshore Fishery Program, as described under § 648.95, vessels must apply for and be issued a Category F permit and fish under this permit category for the entire fishing year.
To fish for lobster with traps in the EEZ portion of the Outer Cape Area, a Federal lobster permit holder must apply for access in an application to the Regional Administrator.
To fish for lobster with traps in Area 5, a Federal lobster permit holder must initially qualify into the area.
To fish for lobster with traps in Area 4, a Federal lobster permit holder must initially qualify into the area.
To fish for lobster with traps in the EEZ portion of Area 2, a Federal lobster permit holder must apply for access in an application to the Re- gional Administrator.
To fish for GB cod south of the GOM Regulated Mesh Area, as defined at § 648.80(a)(1), a ves- sel owner or operator must obtain, and retain on board, a letter of authoriza- tion from the Regional Administrator declaring an intent to fish south of the GOM Regulated Mesh Area, and may not fish in any other area for a min- imum of 7 consecutive days from the effective date of the letter of author- ization.
To fish for lobster with traps in the EEZ portion of Area 2, a Federal lobster permit holder must apply for access in an application to the Regional Administrator.
To fish commercially in this fishery, a person must hold a WCRLMF licence.
To fish for lobster with traps in Area 3, a Federal lobster permit holder must ini- tially qualify into the area.
To fish in the CA I Hook Gear Haddock SAP prior to de- parture from port, a vessel must de- clare into the SAP via VMS, and, for a vessel fishing under a NE multispecies DAS, indicate the type of DAS that it intends to fish, prior to departure from port, as instructed by the Regional Ad- ministrator.