Examples of Operating Expense Ratio in a sentence
The operating expenses that may not exceed the Capped Operating Expense Ratio do not include expenses that are not included in calculating a fund’s operating expense ratio as reflected in its audited financial highlights (such as brokerage commissions, stamp duty fees, interest, taxes or acquired fund fees and expense), prime broker fees, dividend and interest expense on securities sold short and do not include Extraordinary Expenses.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Funds Management may reduce the Capped Operating Expense Ratio of a Fund or a class, or extend the term of the Commitment to maintain the Capped Operating Expense Ratio of a Fund or a class, without prior approval of the Board.
There are no shareholder type fees for the Fund that are not part of the Total Annual Operating Expense Ratio below.
Unless Funds Management informs the Board that the reduced Capped Operating Expense Ratio will be governed by the renewal and non-renewal provisions of Subsection 3(b), the Capped Operating Expense Ratio of the Fund or class will revert to the Capped Operating Expense Ratio previously in effect at the next Expiration/Renewal Date.
If the Board approves an increase in the listed Capped Operating Expense Ratio of a Fund or class, Funds Management’s Commitment to maintain the higher Capped Operating Expenses Ratio will be governed by the renewal and non-renewal provisions of Subsection 3(b).