Net Written Premium definition
Examples of Net Written Premium in a sentence
For the purposes of Rule 7.4.5, a Class of Business that accounts for less than ten per cent of the Insurer’s Net Written Premium in the reporting period ended on the reporting date and that accounts for less than ten per cent of the Insurer’s Insurance Liabilities as at the reporting date, will normally be considered immaterial.
As premium for the reinsurance provided by this Agreement, the Company shall cede to the Reinsurer an amount equal to the Reinsurer’s quota share cession of the Net Written Premium of the Company for the Business Covered by this Agreement.
Gross Net Written Premium shall mean gross written premium of Company less returned premium for cancellations and reductions.
Premiums received in advance of each Coverage Year are deemed to be part of the Subject Net Written Premium for that Coverage Year.
LG Chem’s April 26, 2019 Section A Response at 32; see also KPB’s April 25, 2019 Section A Response at A-24.