Examples of Operating TIER in a sentence
Promptly following the end of each calendar year, the Borrower shall report, in writing, to RUS the TIER, Operating TIER, DSC and Operating DSC levels which were achieved during that calendar year.
Promptly following the end of each calendar year, the Borrower shall report, in writing, to RUS the TIER, Operating TIER, DSC andOperating DSC levels which were achieved during that calendar year.
The Operating TIER Adjustment does apply to this rate.The On-Peak Demand Reduction Credit does not apply to this rate.
Operating TIER and Operating DSC would be testedretrospectively using the same averaging of the best two out of three years as isused for standard TIER and DSC.Since a borrower’s electric utility business accounts for most of thefinancing provided by RUS, is the main source of revenue for repaying the loans, and provides the primary security forthe loans, RUS believes it is reasonable to expect this business to be financially viable and not dependent on othersources of income to cover business expenses.
TIER, on the other hand, provided that it is set atleast 1.0, requires a borrower to at leastbreak even, either for its overalloperations in the case of standard TIER, or its electric utility operations in thecase of Operating TIER.
Any loan used to refinance or refund a Contempora- neous Loan is also considered to be a Con- temporaneous Loan.‘‘Coverage Ratios’’ shall mean, collec- tively, the following financial ratios: (i) TIER of 1.25; (ii) Operating TIER of 1.1; (iii) DSC of 1.25; and Operating DSC of 1.1. Pt. 1718, Subpt.
Promptly following the end of each calendar year, the Borrower shall report, in writing,7 CFR Ch. XVII (1–1–07 Edition)to RUS the TIER, Operating TIER, DSC and Operating DSC levels which were achieved during that calendar year.
When the targeted modified or distribution equity has been achieved, considerations for Operating TIER of less than 1.60 may be accommodated via a revenue deferral plan or associated measures which will allow the cooperative to address future margin needs.
To support the achievement of a targeted 35% modified or distribution equity ratio, and generally budget for an annual Operating TIER of 1.60.
Adding Operating TIER (OTIER) andOperating DSC (ODSC) set at 1.1 would achieve the original objective ofexcluding major non-cash margins from the coverage tests, while also requiringthat borrowers at least break even, with a small margin for error, on theirprimary business.