SPE definition
Examples of SPE in a sentence
The Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for Acquisi- tion and Materiel Management is des- ignated as the Department’s Senior Procurement Executive (SPE).
The SPE is authorized to make deter- minations that there is substantial evi- dence that contractors’ requests for ad- xxxxx, partial, or progress payments are based on fraud and may direct that further payments to the contractors be reduced or suspended, as provided in FAR 32.006.
The authority to prescribe proce- dures in FAR 7.103 is delegated to the SPE and is further delegated to the DSPE.
Authority to authorize class devi- ations from the FAR and VAAR is dele- gated to the SPE and is further dele- gated to the DSPE.
Authority to make the determina- tion required by FAR 32.402(c)(1)(iii) and to approve contract terms, as pro- vided by FAR 32.402(e)(1), is delegated to the SPE and is further delegated to the DSPE.