Examples of Operation & Maintenance expenses in a sentence
The Operation & Maintenance expenses comprise of manpower expenses, insuranceexpenses, spares and repairs, consumables and other expenses (statutory fees etc).
The fixed cost includes Return on equity, Interest and financing charges on loan capital, Interest on working capital, Depreciation and Operation & Maintenance expenses (O&M).
That, combined with Operation & Maintenance expenses that were almost 14% below budget, resulted in net earnings before debt principal of 96% more than budget for fiscal year-to-date.
Rainfall for the month of December was 62% more and for the fiscal year-to-date, 28% less than last year. Operation & Maintenance expenses for the month were 14% less than budget.
The claim is in line with Regulation 1 of 2008.B. O&M (Operation & Maintenance) expenses APGENCO has taken the O&M expenses approved by CERC for the 600 MW coal-based thermal units for the FY 2018-19 as a base and escalated the same by 6.64% every year to arrive at the O&M expenses for the FY 2019-20 to FY 2023-24.
That combined with Operation & Maintenance expenses that were 13.6% below budget resulted in Net Earnings before Debt Principal almost 110% more than budget for the fiscal year-to-date.
TPL-D (D) has derived O&M Expenses on the average of actual Operation & Maintenance expenses for the three (3) years ending 31st March, 2015 as per GERC (MYT) Regulation, 2016.
Accordingly, records of Operation & Maintenance expenses for individual HEPs for the period required by the regulations is not available and therefore actual O&M expenses for the department has been considered for determination of Annual Fixed Charges.
It is submitted that records of Operation & Maintenance expenses for individual HEPs for the period required by the regulations is not available and therefore actual O&M expenses for the department has been considered for determination of Annual Fixed Charges.
The Petitioner has claimed Rs. 2012.28 lakhs towards actual O&M expenses in the Truing up for FY 2016-17 against Rs. 1489.48 lakhs approved for FY 2016-17 in the MYT order as detailed in the Table below:Table 4.3: Operation & Maintenance expenses for FY 2016-17(Rs. Lakh) Employee Cost The Petitioner has claimed Rs 1418.95 Lakh towards actual employee cost as against Rs. 1183.53 Lakh approved for FY 2016-17 in the MYT order.