Examples of Operational Regulations in a sentence
This ensures that the industry is subject to a regulation that is as comprehensive as possible.DSB and the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority have prepared several guidelines for their regulations, which, in addition to these guidelines, can also be used as a basis for understanding and fulfilment of requirements in the Technical and Operational Regulations, unless the guidelines belong to regulations that are exempt for the petroleum activities.
Upon your becoming a member of the APF, the APF Constitution will comprise a contract between you and the APF and you will be bound by it and any regulations, policies or codes made under it (including but not limited to the APF Operational Regulations and Code of Ethics).
In its objectives and activities, particular emphasis is placed on increasing shareholder value, profitability and efficiency, and on managing risks and complying fully with external requirements – in other words on ensuring the most effective enforcement of business, ethical and internal control policies.The scope of its authority is defined in the effective statutory provisions, the Company's Articles of Association, General Meeting resolutions, and the Organisational and Operational Regulations.
In principle, it is not possible to postpone the start of the scholarship studies to another semester or academic year – except for very special, unforeseeable, force majeur cases described in the Operational Regulations, with the special approval of Tempus Public Foundation.
Thank you for taking the time to read our Organizational and Operational Regulations.
Thank you for taking time to read our Organizational and Operational Regulations.
Providing the applicant meets the requirements of APF Operational Regulations for Jump Pilots, the applicant must complete a JPA training course with an APF approved JPE.
The details and cases when the scholarship status is terminated are listed in the Operational Regulations of the programme (see Section IV.
Taking into consideration the period of claim/acquired limitation, the Bank shall immediately repay said funds to the Client upon receipt of the first written demand in accordance with the provisions of the Operational Regulations and Tariffs approved by the Bank.
Provided a Member publishes materials on the website that are contrary to law or to Flavon’s Organizational and Operational Regulations, Flavon is entitled to modify the website.