Examples of Order 1000 ColumbiaGrid Planning Region in a sentence
An entity that is an Order 1000 Enrolled Party shall be Enrolled in the Order 1000 ColumbiaGrid Planning Region unless or until such time as such entity withdraws, or is deemed to have withdrawn, from the Order 1000 Agreement.
As of the effective date of this Attachment K, the following entities are Enrolled in the Order 1000 ColumbiaGrid Planning Region: Avista Corporation MATL LLPPuget Sound Energy, Inc.
To tackle this issue and to produce more relevant recommendations, the different approaches can be combined into a hybrid recommender [3, 5, 9].
Any Person that is not Enrolled in any Order 1000 Planning Region may Enroll in the Order 1000 ColumbiaGrid Planning Region by executing the Order 1000 Agreement and becoming an Order 1000 Party that is an Order 1000 Enrolled Party pursuant to section14.17 of the Order 1000 Agreement.
Upon ColumbiaGrid’s receipt of such request and the information required in section 2.6 of Appendix A of the Order 1000 Agreement to be provided (exclusive of items (i), (ii), and (xv)), ColumbiaGrid is to the extent practicable to consider the impacts of such Order 1000 Merchant Transmission Project on the facilities in the Order 1000 ColumbiaGrid Planning Region as part of its next system assessment under conditions studied in such system assessment.
For purposes of Order 1000 Cost Allocation, the projected costs of any Order 1000 Project (other than an ITP) will include the projected costs required as a result of such project, if any, (i) that relate to transmission facilities outside the Order 1000 ColumbiaGrid Planning Region and (ii) that all Order 1000 Beneficiaries of such Order 1000 Project agree, in writing, to bear.
Under the PEFA, any entity that is, or proposes to be, an owner or operator of transmission facilities in the Pacific Northwest may become a PEFA Planning Party by executing the PEFA and thereby qualify as a Transmission Owner or Operating Planning Party (“TOPP”) in the Order 1000 ColumbiaGrid Planning Region.
Upon ColumbiaGrid’s receipt of such request and the information required in section2.6 of Appendix A of the Order 1000 Agreement to be provided (exclusive of items (i), (ii), and (xv)), ColumbiaGrid is to the extent practicable to consider the impacts of such Order 1000 Merchant Transmission Project on the facilities in the Order 1000 ColumbiaGrid Planning Region as part of its next system assessment under conditions studied in such system assessment.
Receipts are required for the following: * Transportation Costs (except privately owned vehicles) * Lodging/Parking * Meals – itemized receipt required * Registration Costs * Business Telephone Calls (must verify calls with a receipt) * Personal Internet Access, if required for job and due to security concerns, you cannot use the complimentary access.
If an Order 1000 Party indicates in its signature block for this Order 1000 Agreement that it is an ITP Proponent, such Order 1000 Party, upon its execution and delivery of this Order 1000 Agreement, represents that it meets the definition of ITP Proponent and that it is Enrolled in an Order 1000 Planning Region other than the Order 1000 ColumbiaGrid Planning Region, as indicated in such Order 1000 Party’s signature block.